WARNING – This article contains graphic comments and photographs.

Fox News is reporting today, for at least the third time this year, about Philadelphia’s open air drug market in the Kensington neighborhood, which has gained international infamy for its excessive public drug consumption.  The area has become a hotspot for xylazine — a veterinary tranquilizer known as “tranq” or the “zombie drug.”  During 2021, more than 90% of drug samples tested in Philadelphia contained xylazine.

In Kensington’s open-air drug market, it’s the norm to see users passed out on the pavement, often covered in scabbing or oozing flesh wounds from xylazine with fresh blood running down their arms.  According to the United States Department of Agriculture, common side effects of the use of xylazine include respiratory depression, low blood pressure, slowed heart rate, hypothermia, pupil constriction and, sometimes, high blood sugar levels.

Credit: Jon Michael Raasch and Megan Myers/Fox News Digital [foxnews.com]

This Fox News article may be read HERE.

The July 6, 2023 Fox News article about Kensington may be read HERE.

The April 15, 2023 Fox News article about Kensington may be read HERE.

My brothers and sisters, it’s entirely beyond me how allowing this open air drug market, with no police enforcement of drug laws or public intoxication or nuisances, can be viewed as a net positive.  A look at the above articles shows the evil that is inherent in all of this.  This IS NOT love or compassion!  It is quite the opposite, despite those who mistakenly seem to believe that enabling others to die is compassion.

I’ve elected to publish this here on FGGAM to show what can happen when illegal drug use, mental health issues and homelessness are allowed, or in this case, encouraged, to happen unchecked.  Would you want your children to step over unconscious persons (or bodies) while walking to school, as is being reported?

Lord have mercy on our country!  We must repent and take action to stop, correct and prevent situations like this.  We certainly should not vote in elected officials who turn blind eyes to similar, albeit perhaps lesser situations, in our own cities and neighborhoods.  Enablement is not love!  Enablement is not wisdom!

Loving our neighbors as ourselves is a biblical command.  Would you want your son or daughter to live like this?  Do you consider these non-enforcement areas to be a form of “compassion?”  Let’s not stand for these situations – even if those in the photographs are someone else’s sons or daughters.  We are ALL made in the image and likeness of God and are loved deeply by Him.

Galatians 5:14 (ESV)
“For the whole law is fulfilled in one word:  ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'”

Praise Jesus forevermore!

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