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BREAKING NEWS: Albuquerque Police charge 4 teens in shooting death of 5-year-old, We are losing our children

More and more teenager’s in Albuquerque are killing people!

KOAT TV has the breaking news for us:

Detectives with Albuquerque police are charging four teenagers for a drive-by shooting that left a 5-year-old dead inside a trailer home. The shooting happened in southwest Albuquerque on Aug. 13. Story Here

Two teens arrested for shooting and killing 19-year-old in southeast Albuquerque

Family speaks out after woman killed by 13-year-old in ABQ while looking for stolen vehicle

I posted this report earlier today:

This is from Phil Cooke:

Leaders stop walking on egg shells……..

In his amazing biography of the Apostle Paul, theologian N.T. Wright describes him as: 

“Those who like their religion, or indeed their friendships served at medium temperature may find Paul’s personality hard to take: at once eager and vulnerable, both bold and (in his own words) “in your face” and then liable to serious self-doubt (“Was it all for nothing?”). One might suppose that, as a friend, he was, as we say, high maintenance, though the reward would be high performance.”

Leaders! Stop Walking on Egg Shells


I do not walk on egg shells, too many Christians do! Listen, the lives of our children are at the greatest risk ever in my 67 years! You better get with it! A man told me yesterday at the funeral I officiated, “The Church is hateful, it has made politics a big thing, they are losing many people.” This mans name is Dominic. He has a wonderful heart for JESUS as did his wife, but he is turned off by the American Church. I have said until I am blue in the face, many Pastors and congregants fell in love with politics more than ever over the last 7 years or so, and it has done great damage to God’s Church. I am doing many funerals now in the homes of families, as they have left the Church. God has placed me in this spot for such a time as this. This is the world we live in.

We have been sounding the alarm about the devil taking the lives of many for years, many are deaf to the truth!

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 Repent America! Change your ways!!! Walk away from sin! Be Born Again!

I have done too many funerals of drug overdoses, suicides, and from gun shot.

The disintegration of the American society is speeding up The devil does not even hide anymore, he is everywhere. He is in our schools, addicting our children to drugs and killing many, school shootings and other evil ways. The devil is talking over many families. The Church in America has lost many to him. Church attendance continues to drop. “We are currently in the largest and fastest religious shift in the history of our country,” said Jim Davis, speaking last week with his colleague, Michael Graham, on “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast.” A study Davis and Graham commissioned has found that 40 million adult Americans, 15 million of whom are evangelicals, are no longer attending church, a situation the two describe as “bleak.” More Here

For heavens sake, New Mexico has a Satanic Temple abortion hotline!!!!!!!!!! This evil is supported by the governor! More Here

The devil is in our homes, churches, (sex abuse, corruption and too many scandals in most all denominations) he is in our government, America’s politics has fallen into hell, take off those political bumper stickers! Your chasing away people, people need to see Jesus in you, not your dirty politics! The devil is all over, conquering many. America is a lawless nation.

How much power does Stan have here on earth?

From Got Questions:

Since his instigation of evil on earth, Satan has been named the “prince,” “god,” or “ruler” of this world (John 14:30; cf. John 12:3116:112 Corinthians 4:3-4Ephesians 2:2Colossians 1:13). He is the enemy of God and truth (Matthew 13:24-302 Thessalonians 2:9-12), and he does everything he can to tempt individuals (Genesis 3Luke 22:311 Timothy 3:7) and larger groups of people (1 Thessalonians 3:5Revelation 2:10). He “leads the whole world astray” (Revelation 12:9). Satan accomplishes this by various means, including appealing to man’s pride (1 Timothy 3:61 Corinthians 4:6), interfering with the transmission of truth (Matthew 13:18-2238-39), and placing false believers within the church (1 Timothy 4:1-22 Timothy 3:1-9Revelation 2:93:9). In John 8:44, Jesus says that Satan “is a liar and the father of it.” More Here

What are YOU doing about it? YES YOU! Seek God and He will tell you what you are to do for His children! We Cannot Save Ourselves

Young people as young as middle school need to know just one pill from a friend or a drug dealer can secretly contain a deadly amount of fentanyl. That’s the warning being issued by experts on drug abuse and a father who lost his son to an accidental fentanyl overdose.

Warning about back to school photos

William’s Story

David Magee, author of Things Have Changed: What Every Parent (and Educator) Should Know About the Student Mental Health and Substance Misuse Crisis told CBN News his son William seemed on top of the world. He was a track star and honors student at Ole Miss. Then the unthinkable happened.

Story Here

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