Pastor Dewey Moede: Over the years I have been called to help two Churches going through a split. Boy, did God give me an education. I saw the good, bad and ugly of the Church. I could write a book! Going through this, God has given me much knowledge on how He wants things done. This quote below is from James Scott Jr. The quote fits what I see what happens when a Church gets off base.

IMPACTFUL: It seems the leaders in this church had immersed themselves in being so interested in “organization building” (not evangelism, but organization building) that they had lost touch with actually shepherding the flock of God. When someone assertively sought their help to turn from their sin, they really didn’t know how to handle it.

The GOOD I see, is the many Pastors I have met who are so wonderful at Shepherding. I love preaching at their Churches. From my days at Christian radio WFRN in South Bend/Elkhart and KKIM in Albuquerque and here at FGGAM, I have been in school, learning everyday what God wants from me. I have been blessed to witness so many godly men and women serve God’s people in such a precious way. It is better than any seminary. Man! I have learned a lot! A Shepherd brings people together, coaches them, visits with them, goes into their home, calls them to see how they are doing. I thank the Lord for His continued guidance in my life and the life of Sharon. I get calls from people looking for a church. I am blessed to have a list of Churches to recommend.

God shows me when a Church is having trouble, constant turn over in a congregation, gossip, and low attendance. The answer is always God. If you are having challenges as a Shepherd, send me an email. If I cannot help you, I have so many wonderful Pastors that are my friends that can.



By James Scott Jr.

My work leading an international parachurch ministry happily includes meeting and spending time with church leaders.

A while back, I was having lunch with a bright, young pastor and was using the time to get to know him better. As he described his work as a pastor and church planter he said, “What I really don’t enjoy much is shepherding.”

A shepherd who doesn’t enjoy shepherding?
It was not the first time a minister had said something similar to me.


Church Leaders, Have We Lost Our Ability to Shepherd?

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