Written By Dan Bernard

I have found when I set aside time in my daily routine to study God’s word, pray, then meditate in silence and open myself to what God has to say to me. I get these whispers in my head that come to me. These whispers are as soft and loving as a parent speaking to a newborn for the first time in my experience. They are short, but profound and have come in my case most frequently when I surrender something at the cross when I can no longer carry it myself. When I do hear these whispers, I sometimes must pray over them and ask God to reveal more to me in the coming days. Other times they are as crystal clear as a parent saying don’t do that, you will get hurt. However, I have noticed they come less frequently when I don’t set aside time to meditate on my studies or prayers. So, my advice to you. When you set aside time for your studies of God’s word and prayers, add time to meditate in silence and let your mind and soul wander where God takes it. You may as I have, start hearing God’s words for your life and if you have the courage to follow them like I have, you may be led in the most wonderful ways and life changes that are pleasing to him.

I pray God’s peace on all of you,

Dan Bernard

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