Grandma, It’s The Golden Lamborghini

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. It’s morning somewhere around the world. Two of my grandchildren came to spend the night last evening. I must admit they play this grandmother right out. They like to look at all the items at Walmart and dream big for their birthday and Christmas and we make this an adventure when they come to grandma’s. We look at an item, hold the item, then put the item back. Off to the next aisle to try to determine the heart’s desire until grandma wears out and can’t do any more Walmart time. It’s interesting how they forget from the first aisle what they can’t live without until we get to the next aisle and then that’s what they really need or want. We repeat the process in as many aisles that we can before we head home with our breakfast items.

We did this for several hours last evening as we had a birthday celebration today. Mr. Maddox turned five. Oh, the joy of children.

I returned to the store to make some purchases without them today. Grandma could hardly remember as we looked at so many items last evening. I purchased a red corvette, working headlights with a remote control steering wheel to show the car in which direction to go. I thought this was what he couldn’t live without. When he looked at it, those little blue eyes looked up at me and said, Gram remember, it’s the golden Lamborghini. Within a few minutes, the red corvette was out and headed north in the living room. Some days you gotta pray, Jesus, Take The Wheel. 

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for the joy of children. You are a good Father, and every day is a celebration.

Father, we pray today and every day you steer the direction of our lives. When we make a  turn, spin us around and keep us on course. You were not looking for perfection, but for people that had a heart after you. Your blood shed on a cross was enough payment for us all that would believe and receive.

Father, may people in the world know how much they are loved. We were enough to die for. Amazing love. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Let Jesus light your path. Let him take control of your life.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)




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