II Corinthians 2:15‭-‬16

For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things?

II Corinthians 2:15‭-‬16 NKJV


We are called to be the fragrance of Jesus Christ!


Our sense of smell is one of the most powerful senses that God our Creator has Blessed us with.

Smells have a profound effect in our lives.

Smells can bring back the greatest memories of your life, like walking into your grandmother’s kitchen while she’s making your most favorite dish!


A smell is so powerful it can change attitudes and moods in people.

Think of the perfume companies. They come up with scents that are pleasing. Hoping that through marketing and advertising that their smell will produce emotions of attraction.

Fragrances have the power to change and affect our actions. When a scent is so strong and pungent it can cause us to reject it. Eyes watering, physically sick to your stomach.


We are called to be the Fragrance of Christ, NOT the odor!

There is life and death in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  How are we trying to fulfill the assignment God has given all born again believers?


Let’s ask this.

Is there a wrong way to the Great Commission?

When we are out speaking the Word of Hope, Mercy and Salvation to the lost, the Father should see us as the Fragrance of His Son when we speak!


And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.

Ephesians 5:2 NKJV



How much of a sacrifice of our own lives are we making to bring the Gospel out?

We are to bring the Gospel to every soul.

In my opinion, it does not matter if you know Jesus and have committed your life to Him.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know or if you have rejected Him.

The Gospel should always be on our lips regardless who we speak to! The love of Christ should always be evident in us and through us! Everywhere we go and in everything we do, it should just be who we are!

Not arrogantly, not self serving or self seeking, but in a manner that the Aroma of His Salvation drips from every pore of our bodies just as the Blood dripped from His!

When you bring the Gospel to someone you are either bringing them life or you are bringing them death..

That’s how much power the Word of God has! And He has trusted you to carry it out!


We all want to be a good representation of Jesus. But how are you presenting Him?


How we present Him can bring the starving soul refreshment or it can just bounce off the hardened hearts never to be penetrated.


How do you present Him!

In love and Truth!

We must always walk in the love, through the love and with the love of Christ!

How did Jesus do it?

He connected with the lost hurting soul!

He had conversations with the person,  then confronted the sin.

He had compassion for them.

He met them where they were.

He gave them hope and showed them love.

Those that rejected Him, He grieved and still prayed for their souls.

Many are sheep without a shepherd! Lead them to the Shepherd!


Many people are attracted to the truth.

The unfortunate part is many will reject the Gospel and will choose the stench of death.

We still must love them!

Always give the truth in love!

How we react to people can be the turning point of their decision.

If they reject the Gospel does that change the way you treat them?

Of course not!

We are called to love all people, even our enemies. Even the ones that have gone against us. Those that have opposed us for being heralds of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Are we causing more opposition and division to the Gospel because we are the stench of self and pride rather than the aroma of Heaven?


You must not only know who you are in Christ, but you must know The Christ you serve! Make it your life’s purpose to serve Him well.


There are only 2 types of people, those that believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior and those that don’t.

For some the Gospel message is hard to believe. Because they only know what they know.

Many people have been hurt by people that claimed to be Christians.

Many have been lied to in the name of the Church. That stench has stayed with them.

Those can be some of the hardest opposition that you will face,  the battered heart.


Will you add to the smell of rot or will you be the Sweet lavender aroma to the soul that needs to be healed!


But this is where we must have the Word of God in us. To be our strength, to give us wisdom and discernment.


Be a true representation of Jesus!

Be the Fragrance of Heaven!

Even in the hardest, most difficult opposition.


We see those that desperately need to be saved and freed from their sin.

We go and speak to them about what is going to get them off of death row. Sometimes the message isn’t received and it grieves our hearts.

What do you do ?

We are living in a time in society where more and more opposition is coming to the Church.

The Church has forgotten how to be the Sweet Smell of Heaven!

Think of the slave that has been set free.

The sweet smell of freedom! Happy to be out of the stinky damp darkness of a cell!

The Aroma of Life Everlasting! The smell of Victory in Christ!

To others the Fragrance of Jesus isn’t at all pleasing. For those who hear the Word of God, but reject Christ as Savior and Lord, the Fragrance of Christ produces no attraction to Him. They believe that the Gospel is too restrictive. They believe they don’t stink.

But what they have is the stench of death.

Because there is a refusal to change.

They are happy with the stench that they give off, some are even proud of it.

They remain and stay in their sinful state, dying a Spiritual death.


We as Followers of Christ must come to the realization that we cannot control how someone will respond to the Word of God.

As much as we want people to believe and be saved, we cannot force them.

We can only give them the Hope, love and mercy that we depend on.


Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

II Corinthians 2:14 NKJV


We must diffuse the fragrance of His knowledge into every place we go.

Go and proclaim the truth of Christ and Him crucified. Share with the lost souls the wonderful gospel of God’s saving grace.

Show them the victory, joy and freedom in and through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

There is no greater service or responsibility than this!


Today be the Aroma of Heaven!

That is what it might take to change the heart of a doubtful mind!

Present the Knowledge of Truth to every place. Be the hands, feet and fragrance of Christ!

Then allow Him to change the stench filled hearts.

Be encouraged today that His Word doesn’t go void and He will accomplish exactly what He has planned.

Do the work as He has called us to do. Let the Father see us as the Fragrance of His Son when we speak!




Pastor Ed


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