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Walgreens Remains Silent About Thugs Stealing Booze in the Middle of The Day in Albuquerque and Not Calling Police

I want to thank KOB TV for calling our attention to this. I have stated since the cows have come home, yes it is late, they have come home, that Walgreens, all grocery stores, movie theaters, banks most stores need to invest in armed security guards! These companies need to protect their employees and customers! When U.S. Bank in Taylor Ranch gets robbed they put a unarmed guard inside for a few days! What a joke, same at Smiths!

KOB TV reports that Walgreens never called the police. APD found out about the theft of liquor during the day by seeing an online video. The employees at our Walgreens say they are told to just let the thugs go. THUGS ROAM THE STREETS OF AMERICA! NO DETTERENT TO CRIME IN AMERICA! Needless to say, Satan is having his way with many Americans.

We are blessed that our Law Enforcement Officers stick with it, despite all the evil and stupidity!

This summer here in Albuquerque we have seen a shooting at a grocery store, a man of shot to death in a movie theater, and on and on the evil goes. Innocent people are dying here. Babies die here by abortion, some call Albuquerque the abortion Capitol of the world. A cloud of death covers the city. So many Pastors and congregants remain so silent about this evil…I hear crickets……I repeat, innocent people are being killed here. There also is no politician in the city worth his or her salt, DEM or GOP!

Who would ever want to be a police officer in Albuquerque???…..Meanwhile the Mayor moves to spend 80 million on a bike path??? How crazy can this Mayor get??? Albuquerque’s $80 million bike project; some say it cost too much. Hello City Council??? What are you doing??? Why not take that 80 million and invest it in our POLICE DEPT! I think Mr. Softie, Mayor Keller, Better wake up and smell the coffee! My goodness Mayor, your city is going to hell. By the way Mayor, what about the turf scandal? Hello City Council!! Are you awake??? It seems to me that your giving the Mayor a free pass on many things! Artificial turf back in Albuquerque following controversial purchase

APD chief responds to viral video showing thieves take Walgreens’ liquor

Walgreens is closing 450 locations

SIN! New Mexico Is 2023’s State with the 3rd Most Underprivileged Children! When Will You Stop Abusing Children New Mexico???!!!

Got Questions states: When a society ignores the law, lawlessness is the result, and chaos ensues. The time of the judges after Joshua’s death was marked by upheaval, oppression, and general disorder. The biblical historian puts his finger on the reason for the tumult: “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 21:25). The riot in Ephesus is a good example of lawlessness in action (Acts 19). The rioters were confused and unsure even of why they were rioting (verse 32); in their lawlessness, they were ignoring proper legal channels (verse 39) and, of course, breaking the law (verse 40). More Here

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