I have stated for a long time that the Biden family and the Democratic party are comminuting elder abuse against President Biden. Where I come from this is just not nice! Do many Americans even no the meaning of nice? Be nice, mind your manners, respect your elders is how I grew up. This is just basic stuff. No politics involved, just be nice and do the right thing. I have compassion for all people, President Biden is unable to do his job, it is not even humane to leave him in office. Did you see the video where Biden left the stage without shaking hands with the President of Brazil at the UN? The Brazilian President surely expressed his frustration as Biden walked off. That was at the same time he about knocked a flag off the stage. I feels so bad for him.

It is a down right shame that the Biden family and the DEMS are treating Biden so badly. It sends the world such a bad message as to what America has become. Much of world sees us as fools. I talked to two young men from Finland awhile back and I asked them what the people on their country thought of us. They replied, “We cannot believe how awful it has gotten here in America.” YES! We have more problems than ‘carter has liver pills’ as we said back in the day!

We have a President who is unable to serve. He is not mentally able to do so. Where is the compassion from his family??? The Biden family and the DEMS should be ashamed of themselves, they are making a fool of the President. I would never do this to a family member or anybody else! This is just wrong! Plain and simple, God does not approve of elder abuse. America is falling fast, we have lost our way, common sense just does not exist in many Americans. You would not treat your Grandpa or Grandma this way would you? Your your Mom or Dad? I certainly would not!

FOX NEWS: “After briefly touting his economic record, POTUS reflected on his decision to seek the presidency,” the pool report from Politico’s Jonathan Lemire, who was traveling with the president on Wednesday, stated. “He told the story about the events of Charlottesville in 2017 as the reason for his campaign. A few minutes later, he told the story again, nearly word for word.”

Social media users on X, formerly known as Twitter, reacted to the pool report and promoted it as evidence that the 80-year-old president’s age has become a factor, a charge he has faced from both sides of the aisle since taking office. More Here

The tragic thing here in America we have no political party that is worth a hoot! Deflated House Republicans leave town with no solution for government shutdown. I would not give you a plug nickel for any of those fools running for President. Not one of them is a peacemaker. Both parties are an embarrassment! They both need JESUS! Many Pastors no longer preach the Ten Commandments!!! Only 37% of Pastor have a Biblical Worldview. Are Pastors afraid to preach the Ten Commandments? It is like more and more Americans become separated from God and mean everyday!

A lot of people who call themselves Christians, sure have made a lot of money ‘selling’ God. SHAME! I beleive Jesus will be turning over tables and chairs in Churches and in our government.

We operate out of our home, we have wonderful volunteers and donors. I am as tight as a drum when it comes to money. We have to be. It is God’s money, not ours. We have no fancy dancy. Why did Churches ever think they have to be fancy, dancy. I look forward to talking to God about all these matters! I wonder if God drinks coffee?

Let God lead you, abide in the Ten Commandments.

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– FGGAM is a nondenominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry –


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