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Good Morning Beautiful People… The Big Red Circle 8

The Big Red Circle 8…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I am still processing all I gleamed from my time away. The peace, the joy, the calmness of trusting God as we journey our days with him, nothing compares to it. His Word tells us that our heart plans our way, but it is him that orders our footsteps. (Proverbs 16:9)

I must admit in the midst of traffic with an electric car displaying a large red circle with the number 8 on display, I began to lack peace. That circle advising me of low energy, made my heart pound as I prayed to the next charging station.

God’s Word keeps us at peace, as we put our trust in him. I attended the Red Letter Awards as my book Secret Shame was nominated. It was an honor for me to attend. I enjoy meeting new people, hearing their stories and seeing what God is doing in other people’s lives. There is no one that he can’t help, and no one he doesn’t desire to journey life with.

Today, no matter what you are dealing with, how low your energy is, know that God sees right where you are at. Keep your hands in the air declaring victory with the assurance through Jesus, you already won.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you that every day is a new beginning. Thank you that in you we have already won as you paid the price.

Father, today many people all around this globe keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. (Isaiah 26:3)

Father, the failures of yesterday have already been covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. To that we say thank you and we want to worship you both day and night, never forgetting our brokenness and how you turned our mourning into light. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people, every day is a new beginning. This is your season. Believe…




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