September 12, 2023
Today’s Daily Devotional
“Then Jesus said to them, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.’”
So many people have never understood what it means to eat Jesus’ flesh and drink His blood. You want me to tell you why we’re failing? We can be going to Heaven, and we can thank God for the shed blood, which is saving blood, but He gave Himself for us so that we might take Him in and receive what we need. He said we are to do this so that His life might be in us.
In Romans 5:10, Paul said, “If when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.” We are saved by His life! God didn’t just forgive you and say, “All right. Now gut it out. Live it as best you can.” No. Just as in my human body, everything that I need to exist is delivered by red blood cells—those little boats coursing through all these channels in my physiological makeup—so everything I need to live the Christian life is in Jesus. But I must take Him in to receive it.
- What have you learned from Jesus about the Christian life?
- How has your relationship with Jesus changed the way you live your life?
Pray and thank God for giving you everything you need for life with Him.
Listen to the Full Message
The Power In the Blood | Part 1
John 6:53
In this message, Adrian Rogers shares how the powerful blood of Jesus continues its work even after our sins are washed away and we are whole again.
90 Seconds of Profound Truth
To Direct His Steps
No matter how capable your skills, you better make sure that you are in the will of God.