Years ago my dear brother in Christ, who is now with the Lord, Norm Merlock gave me a book written by E.M. Bounds, titled “Power Through Prayer.” I was blessed to officiate Norm’s funeral service, because he had blessed me so very much. Norm helped train me up to be a Pastor.

Here is a very impactful part of the book………

The real sermon is made in the closet. The man-God’s man- is made in the closet. His life and his most profound convictions are born in his secret communion with God. The burden and tearful agony if his spirit, his weightiest and sweetest messages are received when alone with God. Prayer makes the man; prayer makes the preacher; prayer makes the pastor.

BONUS: The preacher’s sharpest and strongest preaching should be to himself. His most difficult, delicate, laborious, and thorough work must be with himself.

I so much agree…..I awake around 3am to go into my office everyday to seek God and hear what He has to tell me today. I do not listen to the ‘nothing noise’ of the world that is increasing rapidly, even from the Church. Too may have made money off of God. Ego and fancy dancy will not get you to heaven. Oh my! YES! Religion/denominations have made a mess. Oh My yes!

When Jesus returns, I beleive He will turn over the chairs and tables in many Churches and in the offices of our government.

Pastor, when is the last time you cried for all souls?

Sharon and I do not belong to this world.

A Must Read: Faith leaders say a spiritual revival needed to cure rampant violence, Rome is burning….. What does it mean when Rome is burning? To do something trivial and irresponsible in the midst of an emergency; legend has it that while a fire destroyed the city of Rome, the emperor Nero played his violin, thus revealing his total lack of concern for his people and his empire.


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