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Joel Rosenberg: Israeli intelligence failed its people but Hamas united us all

American Family News Reports:

The Israeli government announced Monday morning that more than 800 Israelis have died from Hamas attacks over 72 hours. In a country of 10 million people, that would be the equivalent of more than 26,000 deaths if a similar attack occurred in the U.S. That would also be eight times worse than the number of U.S. deaths on 9-11.

After blowing up a border wall between Gaza and Israel, hundreds of Hamas terrorists stormed into farms, villages and small towns Saturday morning shooting, stabbing and killing whoever they came in contact with, Rosenberg told show host Jenna Ellis.

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FGGAM News Director Chuck Akeley reports: In Christ, we have an internal peace that is beyond our understanding, even in times of crisis – so long as we don’t look to the world for our source of wisdom, and so long as we maintain a soft heart willing to receive and walk in the ways of the Lord. As we consider the current events unfolding in Israel, NOW is the time to pray fervently for each other, the nations of the world, and most especially for those who don’t know Jesus as Savior! More Here

More From Chuck: Today’s attack took place a day after the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war and carried echoes of that conflict, when Israel was caught flat-footed by a coordinated offensive by its Arab neighbors, led by Egypt and Syria. Hamas spokesman Ibrahim Hamad told Al Jazeera television that the attack on Israel was “absolutely a message” to Muslim countries seeking normalization with Israel. He urged those countries to absolve themselves of this “great shame.” More Here

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