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Keeping God’s Temple Clean

Manuel Hodel photo | Unsplash

I find the writings and preaching of the late Adrian Rogers, he is so very inspiring. He is never afraid to SPEAK THE TRUTH AND HE HITS SIN HEAD ON! I love the messages Pastor Rogers, as I love the writings and preaching of Billy Graham and Charles Stanley. I am so thankful their individual ministries that are alive and well and still serving people all over  God’s world! The three men I speak of always checked their ego at the door! Way too much EGO going on in the American Church. Just think! Just 4% of America has a Biblical Worldview! The Church has lost so much influence in America.Just maybe we ALL brag to much on Facebook what we do. I am just a simple man who preaches basic Christianity, but maybe I brag too much. Got Questions states: As part of an apologetic for his own apostleship, Paul describes some of the incredible ways God had communicated with and used him, and he emphasizes that he would boast in his weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9) rather than in his own strength or greatness. In this way, Paul affirms his apostleship but expresses that it is not for his own sake that he magnifies his ministry. Rather, he boasts in the strength of God. More Here
Are you and I allowing GOD to truly use us for HIS glory?

Give me some of the old time religion! YES!

November 24, 2023
Today’s Daily Devotional


“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”


When I was a little boy, I was part of a wonderful church. As you walked in the door of that very small auditorium, there was a sign over the door that said, “The Lord is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him” (Habakkuk 2:20). When I walked in there, I knew I’d come to the holy place. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not putting down that place, but there is a flaw with attaching that quote to a building. Because do you know where the sanctuary is now? Right here, in me. Paul said, when you’re in Christ, your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19).

You know there are people who wouldn’t think of defiling this place. Some of you would not smoke in here, but as soon as you get out, you light up. You say, “Well I wouldn’t smoke in there—that’s the church.” But the truth is, you’re the sanctuary. Some of you would not use language in the church that you would use outside of church. Why is that? You’re the temple of God. God lives in you! That is the sanctuary to keep clean through His Spirit, in church and out of church, when everyone sees you and when no one is around.

  • What are some things that you do outside of the church that do not honor God?
  • How should the understanding that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit change the way you live?


Pray and ask God to show you where you are not reflecting the Holy Spirit in your life.

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