God revealed His power to His people in many different ways as they were led through the wilderness. Many times, His power was released through the use of a rod Moses was given to take with him. With a wave of this rod, the sea was parted and the people safely crossed. A mere strike of the rod caused fresh water to flow from a rock when the people complained of thirst.
In Exodus 17: 8 – 13 we read that Israel was going to battle with Amalek. Moses told Joshua to choose his men for the fight and, “tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand.”
While Joshua led the battle with Amalek, Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. It came to pass that when Moses held the rod up with his hand, Israel prevailed; and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. When his hands grew weary Aaron and Hur put a stone behind him so he could sit down. The two men held Moses’ arms up, one standing on one side of him and one on the other side, until the sun went down. Israel then won the battle with Amalek.
One lesson here is the importance of keeping our focus on Jesus in all situations. With God all things are possible. It’s when we grow weary, or think we can handle a situation on our own, that things go south. When we do get burned out, or see someone else who is overloaded with care, we need to lift each other up in prayer. We all grow weary at times and get discouraged. Friends and family like Aaron and Hur are priceless. If we can’t physically help or hold someone’s hand in their time of need, we can always hold them up in prayer.
Let’s pray for our Pastors and teachers who often take on loads that are way too heavy to carry alone. Remember: Psalm 124: 8 Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
In this text we also learn about the power of God and how it was released often through the rod of God. Today, this same power is released into the world through God’s Holy Spirit who lives in the heart of every true Christian. We can ask anything in the name of Jesus and our prayers will be answered according to His will. He can and does still move mountains and provide water for those who thirst.
Matt.6: 13…For Thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.