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Mary Submitted to God. Have You?

Mary’s Song of Praise

Has Christmas become hectic and overwhelming for you?

“I don’t want that sense of panic that we’ve got to get it all done,” Cissie Graham Lynch said on this week’s Fearless podcast. “I don’t want to rush by the nativity.”

In a season that’s often full of busy schedules and never-ending to-do lists, Cissie encouraged her listeners to pause and praise God—like Mary did that first Christmas.

“What does her song reveal to us? It reveals that her heart was saturated with God’s Word,” Cissie said.

In the midst of countless unknowns, Mary demonstrated an eternal perspective. She may not have had all the answers, but she trusted in the One who did.

“Our sweetest songs come out of the darkness of the night when God is teaching us something,” Cissie said, sharing her own struggle to trust the Lord through difficult seasons.

Hear more about Mary’s song on today’s episode and be encouraged to worship your Savior through every high and low.



“Mary said, ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.’”
—Luke 1:46–47, ESV

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201
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