Merry Christmas Beautiful People… The Miracle Ticket


Merry Christmas Beautiful People…The Miracle Ticket

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. This morning as I was praying, a friend that lives in Canada that is believing for a ticket to go to be with family in Africa came into my  mind. I phoned her immediately to see where she is on her journey. Her bags are packed, and she is ready go. Just waiting for her ticket.

I am so thankful to journey every day with the miracle maker, way maker, Jesus Christ. I don’t know what miracle you need but we soon will be celebrating the greatest miracle known to mankind, the birth of Jesus. That makes this girl some happy and ready to celebrate.

If I could give you a gift today, I would give you the gift of Jesus, but I can’t give him away. He is the most valuable, precious gift I have ever received. Priceless. I can tell you about him, even tell you how to pray, but you need to accept him for yourselves. No one can do it for you. It is your free will, free choice.

I love to tell my Jesus stories and that is why I write just about every day to encourage you to believe. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. (John 3:36) Forgiveness of sins is not based on what we do for him. It’s based entirely on what he has done for us. (Dance, dance.)

Christmas is all about God’s great love for us and the priceless gifts that he offers to all. Just admit that you have need of a Savior, believe that he died for you and talk to him (pray) like you would your best friend. If you draw close to him, he will draw close to you, and you will discover Jesus will become your very best friend. Talk it out with him today. Amen.

I pray you have the best Christmas ever. May his love shine in you and through you as you celebrate the greatest gift given to the world, Jesus. Tell others about his great love and let’s celebrate his birth. His love is amazing.

Believe in John 3:16… Merry Christmas 2023!


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