An Open Heart In 2024… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


An Open Heart In 2024…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Today we celebrate day two in our new year. 2024 our best year yet! Are you still believing? We are early in the first week of the best year of our lives. Don’t stop believing beautiful people. God is no respecter of persons.

This morning and every morning let’s open our hearts to God and his plan first. His plan is always for good, and we want to walk into it this year. I don’t even want to take a breath without him. I want to know him better in 2024. I want to do more to get the Good News of Jesus Christ to people that need to know.

It hasn’t been an easy task for me to believe certain scriptures. I have had to ask him to help me and to work them out in my life so I could believe. He will do the same for you. Not everyone can understand easily that God is the Good Shepherd, the Good Father. The Father that wants to give good gifts to his children that we read about in Matthew 7. Take a read through this Chapter today and talk it out with him (pray).

I encounter so many situations and pray over a lot of issues and people. One thing I know very well is that Jesus loves us. I will never stop telling people about Jesus and his love for them. Some folks want to believe in other things and that is their choice. I always just say taste and see for yourselves.

Ready to serve him today with an open heart?

Let’s pray:

Father, thank you that those Holy Scriptures are life to our very being.

Father, thank you for your love for mankind. Nothing and nobody can take this love away. It’s amazing and never ending.

Father, I remember that afternoon-evening on my face prostrate on that red carpet in the prayer room before the healing waters conference and you spoke these words to my heart and spirit as I inquired what I say to these women. I will never forget that divine appointment with my Creator and I will never stop telling the world what you told me to say.

Tell them I love them…Tell them they are mine…
Tell them I will never leave them nor forsake them.
Tell them they are precious gems…Tell them I see them as perfect.
Tell them they reflect my image…Tell them not to look back.
Tell them to look straight ahead…Tell them I laid out the red carpet for them.
My blood, It was enough.
Tell them, tell them, tell them again!

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Father, tear down the stronghold of religion, man-made rules, lies and everything else that was built up against the love of God.

Father, because you died and rose again, there is no power that can stop your love, your Word from going forth. Thank you for this awakening of your love to a hurting world. Thank you for rebuilding the ancient ruins. (Isaiah 61) Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. He loves you, He loves you, He loves you. His Word, every promise is a covenant promise just for you. Open your heart today!

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. Jeremiah 31:3


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