All Glory to God in ther Highest!

They said “glory to God in the highest” to acknowledge God was in the “highest” heaven and to be worshiped because He is as glorious as He possibly could be. Men or angels can’t add to His glory but we can reflect it when we do His will. How are you doing?


Janna Firestone

Hans Schmidt, a 26-year-old street preacher and local outreach director, was shot in the head while preaching through a megaphone on Nov. 15, 2023. Hans returned to Victory Chapel First Phoenix on Sunday and enjoyed playing the drums. Zulya, his wife, continues to give thanks and glory to God for his miraculous recovery.

“Life may look a little different now, but I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Zulya recently shared. Although he has been released from the hospital, Hans still has a long road of healing and restoration ahead of him. More Here

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