Why do I post a story like this? Because it makes my work tougher as a Pastor. TOUGHER out on the streets and byways. An unbelieving world likes to throw things like this at you when you are out and about like me and Sharon sharing the love of JESUS to the lost. Yesterday I had a man tell me here in Albuquerque that “Christians…..mmm.. I don’t know……my wife was not a Church goer but she was the most loving caring person ever, better than any Christian. I don’t know, he mumbled… The man is disgusted by Christians. He sees the bad behavior. Seriously, I could start a Church crime page on our website. LORD have mercy! You need to remember that just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview. It is getting darker. An unbelieving world will not take the time to find out that the majority of Pastors and congregants are wonderful folks, a few rotten apples now spoil the bunch in the present day America. Many are looking for the dirt in the Church.
It is important that you join me and Sharon and get out of your comfort zone and share JESUS with an unbelieving world, It is called THE GREAT COMMISSION! You need to find out for yourself what Americans are saying about the Church and why they do not go anymore. Get out of your walls. My goodness!
HERE WE GO AGAIN! Texas SBC Pastor Aaron Ivey Fired for ‘Clear Pattern of Predatory Manipulation’
IHOPU’s President Resigns Less Than 2 Weeks After IHOPKC Permanently Cut Ties