UPDATE: Pastor Don Kimbro’s Memorial Service. Give me, Jesus.

UPDATE: Services have been set for Don for Thursday Feb. 22nd At French Funeral Home on Lomas in Albuquerque at 1pm.
See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. — Hebrews 12:15
The above verse was posted by Pastor Don Kimbro in his most read message here at FGGAM.
Late yesterday morning Dorothy Kimbro called me to tell me that Pastor Don Kimbro had passed way into the arms of Jesus.
Don had cancer, he now has has been set free from that awful disease. I believe Don is sitting in the presence of the Lord right now. I believe that Don’s room was prepared by Jesus Himself. I believe that Don has a new glorious incorruptible body that will live forever.
I am so very, very sad and very, very joyful at the same time.
After Dorothy’s call, I had to get ready to officiate the funeral service for a lovely lady.
I called some friends to tell them about Don. I had to get to the chapel to do the funeral and when I got home I could not write about Don passing. My spirit so very sad. I am sorry. God told me it was okay to wait.
Let me share about Don and Dorothy. They are like two peas on a pod. A marriage that is a testament what a marriage should be. I first met Don almost 20 years ago when I was manager of KKIM Christian radio. Michelle Archuletta worked for me at KKIM at the time and wanted me to meet her Pastor. She described Don as such a loving man who had been a great help to her and her family. I fell in love with Don in that first meeting at his office at Heights Christian Church in Albuquerque.
I still have the first book Don gave me, “Prayer Does it make any Difference” By Philip Yancy. If you know anything about Don, he based his entire life and ministry on prayer.
From that first meeting Don and I became great friends. As a result of that meeting Don started his radio ministry, “Nuggets of Truth.” The program ran at 7:30am Monday though Friday on KKIM. It was one of our top programs, I would get so many good comments on Don’s program.
When I left KKIM 12 years ago this July to form the ministry God had called me and Sharon into, Don and Dorothy were such a vital part of the ministry. They would pray for us and Don would share his wisdom with me on being in an independent ministry.
Don has been a writer for years, he blessed us from the start here at FGGAM with his precious writings. He always had some of the most top read posts.
I surely will miss talking to my friend Don, we would talk much on the phone. He encouraged me so very, very much. I can still hear his soft voice now as I write this. How do you thank someone for shaping your life in such a wonderful and loving way? When Dorothy called me yesterday to tell me Don had passed, she took the time to ask about how Sharon was doing……in all her sorrow she did that. Makes me weep. That his how Don and Dorothy operate, always putting others before themselves.
Their lives shine of JESUS, I pray we all can do better in that.
I could write so much more about Don and Dorothy…..They have impacted me and Sharon in such a wonderful way, they have filled us with the love of JESUS! How do you ever thank someone enough for that?
Please keep beloved Dorothy and all the family in your prayers.
Services are pending for Don. I will keep you posted.
PS: As I write the news today at FGGAM, Don always encouraged me to be bold for JESUS in my reporting as I was on KKIM. We are not to be bashful in our representation of God almighty and standing for HIM! I am not the most popular guy around because of that. Don always stood by me. We do not run popularity contests here! Ha!
Pastor Don was such a precious man. I know he is rejoicing with Jesus right now. I pray he now has peace.
God Bless you Dear Sister for your message!
What a Beautiful Welcome Pastor Don must have received in Heaven! What a Wonderful Man of God. I was blessed to know him and Beautiful Dorothy. You were a Blessing to me and my children and I will always remember how you mentored me when I went on a Mission Trip to El Salvador. I wish I could turn back the hands of time to share some things from there. I know you and Dorothy prayed for me there. You both always prayed for me and my boys whether I saw you at church or in the community. God Bless you both for all you do just being a friend to everyone. It’s a Blessing just to know you. Your Beautiful Heart. I remember Pastor Don thanking me for introducing him to Dewey Moede and the KKIM Station.
God Bless you Michelle and Darrin