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God’s babies are not meant to be a political football

America is becoming more and more foolish. How does the Bible describe a fool? Many Christians have turned their backs on GOD and His babies. People here in America are attempting to get on the THRONE OF GOD! Many politicians from both parties act like fools. It is not about them! It should be all about GOD and what He says. Many have turned God’s babies into a ‘political football.’ SHAME!

I distain politics, it is the playground of Satan. Our government has failed GOD and His people. These fools in D.C. cannot even come up with a budget! The DEMS and GOP just kick the can down the road. SHAME! Just like on immigration, they all have kicked the can on that one so much they can no longer find the can!

Do you ever wonder what God thinks of what we have done and are doing to His babies? I love going about my day talked to God. Asking Him if I am on the right track or is there something I need to change. How about you?

The greatest barrier between us and God, is the killing of His babies. People are making money off the killing of God’s babies! Think about it!

I do not preach or write to be popular. I stand with GOD and His Word. I am here to bring the love of JESUS to all people and His ways. I am here to share what a wonderful life we can have with GOD!

I am very sad that so many Pastors remain silent while babies are killed. God will have His way with us all. Pastors need to speak for God and His babies, the sanctity of life! Why ther silence? Afraid of a backlash? Afraid you might loose members of your Church? Do not be a fool. God will hold us all accountable. So many babies are being killed here in New Mexico and many other states since Roe v Wade was reversed. Since then many in the GOP have compromised God’s Babies. What does the Bible say about abortion? Simply put, abortion is murder. It is the killing of a human being created in the image of God.


Ed Stetzer

At the beginning of each year, Christians in the United States bring special focus to the cause of the unborn and our biblical conviction about human life. This focus is often accompanied by churches throughout the United States observing a special “Sanctity of life Sunday,” complete with sermons preached on the sanctity of life.

What’s more, those who write frequently on a variety of issues where culture and church intersect often give special focus to writing articles about the sanctity of life. (You can see my article at Focus on the Family, about how pastors can be pro-life in an election year.)

While this beginning-of-year pro-life push is helpful and necessary, we need to advocate for the unborn all year long. It’s a never-ending conviction. And it is a conviction that is rooted within a view of life that holds fast to the biblical conviction that all of human life is sacred, from the womb to the tomb. More Here
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