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Have you chosen the ways of the world over God?

From OutReach Magazine

Pastor Dewey Moede: Have you chosen the ways of the world over God? Right now more than ever America needs preachers like the late Adrian Rogers! Just 4% of us Americans have a Biblical Worldview! SHAME! So many Americans are blinded by Satan, they do not see the total collapse of our society!

70 million people will bet on Super Bowl LVIII, waging over $23 billion Pastor Dewey Moede: All this ugly taints Football, it invites trouble in many ways. American gluttony at its highest. I am old to this world.

February 09, 2024
Today’s Daily Devotional


“Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in the open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city she speaks her words: ‘How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge.’”


On a reality TV show, a man stepped on an elevator and noticed everybody was facing the back wall; nobody was facing the door even though there was no opening in the back wall. The man got on the elevator, looked around, surveyed the situation, and began to face the back wall as the elevator went up and down.

This shows the power of peer pressure, public opinion, and our desire to conform to what other people are doing. What do we do about this? We guard our company. Let your home be the happiest place on Earth. Let your children know you love them and that you love their friends, but at the same time, you are watching the company they keep. What we expect of our children should be a reality in our lives too. May we guard our company and be aware of those who may influence us more than we realize.

  • What are some ways we face peer pressure as adults?
  • How can we seek to be most influenced by God’s Word?


Send an encouraging, welcoming message to a teen or young adult God has placed in your life. Consider how you can get to know that teen and his or her peers.

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Your Child: Wise or Otherwise | Part 1

Proverbs 1:20, 22


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