Lawsuit claims Albuquerque teacher brought out swords, instructed students to fight

We pulled our kids out of APS years ago. We saw the ugly coming. Activities like this bring on violence! SHAME! I will tell you this, nothing will change with a new Supt. The ugly goes deep in APS. For almost 20 years I have stated the district needs to be split into fours. It is like a kingdom of dysfunction. Nobody has the guts to split it up! It is a money pit! It kills me that I pay taxes to such a mess.

Credit: KRQE News 13, Albuquerque, NM []

I am probably like you… shock! My goodness! How did this teacher get hired???!! No vetting? Our children are our most important gift from GOD! How about those school shootings!

Children are intended to be a blessing from God and an expansion of the family that begins with husband and wife. When God established the first family back in the Garden of Eden, He blessed Adam and Eve, then instructed them to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28) .

Moreover, children are a blessing from the Lord in that they demonstrate many character qualities that God wants His kingdom servants to cultivate (Matthew 18:3–419:14Mark 10:14–15Luke 18:16–1722:26 1 Peter 2:2).

We pulled our kids out of APS years ago. We saw the ugly coming. Activities like this bring on violence! SHAME! I will tell you this, nothing will change with a new Supt. The ugly goes deep in APS. For almost 20 years I have stated the district needs to be split into fours. It is like a kingdom of dysfunction. Nobody has the guts to split it up! It is a money pit! Trail set for former State Legislator and APS Administrator

(KRQE) – It’s a decision that has parents wondering, ‘What was she thinking?’ after a lawsuit claims a teacher brought swords to school to have students fight one another in the classroom. It also claims it was caught on camera and now the family of a student who was injured by one of the swords is suing. More Here

SHAME! New Mexico is the Least Educated State in the U.S.

Sadly it seems to me that so many here in Albuquerque just take a blind eye to all the messes here. They city and state NEED JESUS! MY GOODNESS!

Albuquerque man posing as Pastor accused of rape

BEYOND HEARTBREAK! Newborn baby found dead in truck stop restroom in Springer, NM 

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