Pastor Don Kimbro’s Memorial Service. Give me, Jesus.

If you did not know Don, I wish you had. His writings have been top reads over the years here at FGGAM, they live on here at FGGAM for as long as we are here. The man did did not seek fame, he had no ego, he was here to serve God and all people in such a loving way.

The last time I saw Don was at a he had baptized I beleive 6 folks. He always told me that the Church was failing to baptize people and help them grow up to be mature Christians. Don stressed to me the lack of baptisims would catch up with the Church. Don is right! The state of America is proof. I have learned so much from this man.
Pastor Don Kimbro and Dorothy. One of my favorite pictures of these two love birds.

Yesterday Sharon and I attend the memorial service for our precious friend and mentor Pastor Don Kimbro. I do not have the words to really tell you the impact he has had on my life. I met Don about 20 years ago He helped me so much over the years with his godly wisdom and love. He helped guide me in my management of KKIM radio and he had left his imprint on FGGAM from the start. Such a wise man. We need more Don’s and Dorothy’s. They modeled what marriage is to be.

If you did not know Don, I wish you had. His writings have been top reads over the years here at FGGAM, they live on here at FGGAM for as long as we are here.

One of the hymns that was sung at Don’s memorial was ‘Give me Jesus’

In the morning, when I rise

In the morning, when I rise

In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus

Give me, Jesus

Give me Jesus

You can have all this world

But give me Jesus

And when I am alone

Oh, and when I am alone

And when I am alone, give me Jesus

And when I come to die

Oh, and when I come to die

And when I come to die, give me Jesus

Until we meet again Don………

The man did did not seek fame, he had no ego, he was here to serve God and all people in such a loving way.

Read Don’s Writings Here

Don and Dorothy have made this world a better place. How about you and me? What will be our legacy?

Pastor Don Kimbro’s Obituary

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