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People-Pleasing Syndrome: How to Overcome Over-Achievement

Photo From Churchleaders: Adobe Stock

Pastor Dewey Moede: I AM GUILTY! YES! Working to get better at being a ‘people pleaser’ Sharon is working on me! I got to remember what my calling from God is! Too many people have taken advantage of us and the ministry of FGGAM! I am learning to say, ‘no more.’ Since Sharon is not working full-time now, she is my GUARD!

One thing I have gotten good at is NOT attending ‘sit-more-do-nothing’ meetings! It is a spin off of the sit-more-do-little more CHURCH!


Youth Ministrycom

People-pleasing syndrome is prevalent in ministry circles. God calls church workers to serve, so shouldn’t we prioritize other people’s needs? Discover how to thrive by being satisfied with 80%.

I just got off the phone with a youth pastor buddy. He’s tired. Going in many directions at the same time. Can’t give enough at home. Trying to be who others want him to be. Forgetting who God has called him to be. And it stinks! Ministry isn’t even that fun anymore. It’s more like a chore chart we put on the fridge, expecting magical completions. More Here

Please read the latest from Pastor Dewey WAKE UP CHURCH!

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