September Morning: Navigating Life’s Seasons

Birthday Blessings, Eternal Wisdom and the Winds of Change


It’s been a while since my last post, and I find myself tracing back to a time before a horrific event unfolded. Little did I know then, as I penned the words written in my journal last September, that a storm was brewing on the horizon—a storm that would shake our family to its core. But that, my dear readers, is an unfolding tale for another time.

Today I invite you to join me as I share what I wrote on September 2023.

I am sitting on my front porch, feeling the chill of a rainy September morning seeping into my bones.  September is a beautiful time of year, marking both the beginning and ending of another season, and serving as a reminder of the fleeting nature of time. The leaves, once vibrant green, now display the first hints of gold and red as they gently detach from their branches, finding a resting place upon the still-green grass. This seasonal metamorphosis always leaves me in awe, reminding me that time is a relentless tide, forever flowing, forever changing.

Life, I’ve come to understand, is both is a long journey and a fleeting moment.  Seasons change, and nature responds accordingly.  While I cherish the present time, a part of me longs for the day when I shall be called by the Lord.  For now, I bask in the warmth of the autumn sunshine, and the Holy Spirit sends a gentle breeze and a silent knowing.  I am so blessed to be here, yet I long for home beyond the earthly realm, where I will behold the radiant face of God.

 “As a deer pants for streams if water, so my soul pants for you, my God.”       Psalms 42:1 NIV

Today is the third birthday of my great-granddaughter, Hannah—a bundle of boundless energy and endless possibilities. We will join her later today at her birthday celebration with family and friends. I look forward to hearing the laughter of children playing “Pin the Tail on the Donkey”, and the applause when Hannah blows out the candles on her birthday cake. Then comes the excitement of opening birthday presents.  A doll, a dress, and wrapping paper throw across the room as she discovers gifts fit for a princess. I can’t help but wish I could impart to her the gift of wisdom gained from a lifetime of birthdays. I want to tell her as she blows out her candles, she can have assurance that despite the passing of time, and all of the changes that come with it, one day we will reunite in the presence of our Creator. Yet, she’s too young to grasp such concepts, too innocent to fathom the depth of our love, the sadness of grieving for a departed loved one, or the legacy we leave behind.

And so, I leave these words instead…

Life is beautiful.

Life with love is glorious.

Life is sweet, even when it’s hard.

Life is a gift worth living.

Life is eternal if you accept Jesus Christ as Savior.

My special gift for Hannah, and for you dear reader, is a prayer asking the Spirit of God and His angels to watch over you all the days of your life.  Cherish each moment because time is a gift bestowed to us from God, and its measure remains unknown.

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GeorgeAnn Dingus
"Southern Grace & Gratitude"- Passionately Pursuing Purpose in Every Chapter of Life. Welcome to my world, where faith, family, and the written word converge into an inspiring tapestry. Originally hailing from Knoxville, Tennessee, I now call Christiana, Tennessee, near Nashville, home. I share this space with my husband and our adorable Chihuahua, Katie. I wear many hats: wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. I have a deep appreciation for nature, savoring the flavors of Southern cuisine, immersing myself in music, indulging in a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, and savoring the joy of laughter. But above all, it is my unwavering passion for Jesus Christ that fuels my life and writing with depth and purpose. Recently retired after years of experience in the corporate world, I've held various management roles, including marketing, fundraising, event management, and public speaking. I take pride in striving to be a servant-leader and have received recognition for my unwavering dedication. My hope is to touch your heart and kindle your soul. Join me on my journey as I share stories inspired by faith, family, laughter, and love. Through my writings, you'll discover enchanting stories of a life well-lived, and perhaps, you'll even find a piece of your own story woven within.

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