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Albuquerque Police Officer Resigns as FBI investigation Continues Into DWI Scandal

Photo From KOAT ACTION 7 News: Police Chief Harold Medina confirmed the resignation on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 29. Albuquerque police officer Honorio Alba, pictured, resigned from his role. In 2023, Alba won the Mothers Against Drunk Driving officer of the year award. He was hired by Albuquerque police in June 2014.

New Mexico suffers from generational sins……..the trail of the blood of God’s babies….

The Church here needs to wake up and carry out The Great Commission! Tear down the walls! Tear down denomination’s, they are man made! Why Churches Talk the Great Commission But Don’t Do It

I talked to an Albuquerque Police Officer about the raging crime in the city this week. He is totally disgusted like many of us with the crime in here. He stated that it is a generational problem that is getting worse. He told me that when they arrest someone for car theft, they are out of jail in 2 days. Police officers have so much going against them in this city and state. The judicial system here is broken and the prison system has failed, too many are dying in prison. The Officer is very sad about this DWI scandal, which hurts reputation of the department very much.

We have so many serious problems here in Albuquerque. I remember when the GOP won some seats on the City Council the head of the GOP said things would get better here! HA! They have gotten worse! It is living proof once again that politics is not the answer, JESUS is! We have lived here since 1995 and it is worse than ever. Killings almost everyday. Folks are not safe anywhere in this city. Albuquerque gang Brew Town Locos is raising hell in communities. The city and state allow the killing of God’s babies through abortion. Albuquerque is known as the abortion capital. Where is the Church in all this mess? How can people expect God to bless this awful mess? Sin city I call it!

Things are so crazy here that an Albuquerque school teacher brought swords into her classroom so the kids could have a sword fight??!!! More Here

New Mexico is last in the nation in education. Generational problem. Failing education continues here while the government continues to pour money down the rat hole.

Generation after generation is lost here.

Oh New Mexico, you need JESUS! Not Abortion! Not Pot! Not Booze! You allow the killing of God’s babies! You love your liquor and pot to much! And you expect God to bless this? A Church on every street corner here, what is your Church doing to fight evil? Is your Church going out into the streets and reaching the lost?

Do I need to remind you that New Mexico is number 3 in drunk diving deaths?

Police Chief Harold Medina

KOAT TV reports:

A police officer who was on paid administrative leave in regard to an ongoing FBI investigation has resigned.

Related: Letter alleges APD DWI officer told suspect to hire specific lawyer to not have charges filed

Police Chief Harold Medina confirmed the resignation on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 29. Albuquerque police officer Honorio Alba resigned from his role. More Here
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