“Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.” (Mark 13:33)
The things the Holy Spirit does in our midst should not surprise us, but rather move us to a greater level of praise, joy, and trusting awareness. The admonition to “watch and pray” is gaining another understanding in my heart and mind, not different as though I have changed my position of understanding on it, but another additional application for me.
I have heavily carried the idea as to observing and paying attention to happenings around me, including world events, so I can best pray about them. It is that, for certain, but I am moving my attention also in this: The Holy Spirit draws my heart to be concerned deeply about something He has already planned for me to be involved in with what He desires to do somewhere or for someone. . . “Watch!” That is, allow myself to be open and sensitive to His guidance of my heart and spirit to feel what He feels . . . to grieve over what grieves Him. This then, moves me to “pray” about unknown to me solutions.
The Holy Spirit has begun to set things in motion, and only needs the hearts of compassionate believers to partner with Him as He works. “Watch and pray” and be willing to be used.
Beloved, those divine appointments and divine arrangements may never come to pass if we are not watching with expectation for the Spirit to capture our attention amid our otherwise routine days. Yes, “Watch and Pray!” With open eyes and hearts, Pray On!