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Scientist Uses Resurrection to Lead Hundreds to Christ

Photo From Baptist Press: Professor and scientist James Tour has regular Zoom calls with total strangers in order to share the Gospel with them.

WOW WEE! Amazing testimony! So very thankful for the Baptist Press! They pump out so many wonderful news stories every week! Glory to God in the Highest! Happy Easter! I pray that you share this with your Pastor! Glory! Glory!

Baptist Press!

By Laura Erlanson, posted March 28, 2024 in Theology & Doctrine

HOUSTON (BP) – In an unassuming office on the campus of Rice University, you can often find professor James Tour on a Zoom call. Is he chatting with other scientists around the world about his groundbreaking research in nanotechnology? Maybe. But more often than not, he’s talking with a stranger about the resurrection of Christ.

Whenever he has the opportunity – on his website, at a lecture or at the end of one of his many YouTube videos – Tour invites anyone who doesn’t believe in the resurrection to talk with him about it. Seekers connect with him from all over. The only stipulation to receive an hour of one-on-one time with one of the world’s leading scientists? You must be curious about the resurrection. The Rest of The Story Here

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