Team Jesus! Please pray for the Christians in China! They are so very brave in our LORD! Are you?

The Christian Post

By CJ Wu, Global Christian Relief

Celebrating Easter in China is becoming more difficult than ever. Under Chinese President Xi Jinping’s rule, holidays regarded as “Western,” such as Easter or Christmas, are being discouraged or even outright banned.

While Chinese Christians face restrictions on their religious celebrations, the Chinese government is actively promoting secular Spring Festival celebrations, requesting all state-controlled churches implement the “Sinicization of Christianity” campaign during their holiday activities. The Rest of The Story Here


Iran’s president Ebrahim Raisi believes that the war in Gaza will lead to a “transformation in the unjust order that rules the world.” He made the claims at a gathering on Monday, according to Iran’s pro-government Fars news.

Iran’s president appears to believe that the war in Gaza will accelerate various processes in the global order. He said that after the war the new world order is “very close and achievable.”

In Iran’s view the war in Gaza is part of a larger process. It could be seen as a kind of first shot of a major war in the world. This war is not always being fought on battlefields. The Rest of The Story Here

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