Outreach Magazine
For the first 10 years I was a Christian, I prayed for Sally, who is a family member who had little interest in spiritual things. I asked the Holy Spirit to soften her heart. I prayed for opportunities for spiritual conversations. I did all I could to help her see how God was changing my life.
Every outward appearance indicated that she seemed happy living without Jesus in her life. I was younger than her, and my words and actions seemed to have little to no effect on her view of faith. I was discouraged, but did not stop praying, sharing and seeking to love Sally.
Never stop praying!
Over the years, my wife Sherry built a warm relationship with Sally, and seemed to be more effective than me in having spiritual conversations with Sally during that time. I realized that there are seasons when family members need people not related by blood to have those deeper spiritual conversations.
I’m not sure why, but this was the case for Sally during that season.
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