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More Patients Are Losing Their Doctors — And Trust in the Primary Care System

Photo From KFF Health News. Unionized workers picket outside the Providence Community Health Centers on Oct. 12. (LYNN ARDITI/THE PUBLIC'S RADIO)

In so many ways America has turned into a third world country…….Look at us, we are a mess!

Urgent care centers are opening up all over the Albuquerque metro, as you have wait so long to see a doctor, even in ER.

We lost our doctor here in Albuquerque. She moved to Oregon. Many doctors are leaving New Mexico I have had to wait to see a doctor for weeks! To lose a trusted doctor is hard! The health care system in America is working against the people! THE SYSTEM STNKS! Follow the money! The government has messed up the whole system! Big Pharma rules! You have to almost ‘fight’ to get an appointment. It is just crazy. Doctor shortage continues in New Mexico: What are the next steps?

We also have a nursing shortage here in New Mexico! The state seems to live in failure. Bolstering Efforts to Address New Mexico’s Nursing Shortage

At 71, Fred has never been vaccinated against covid-19. She no longer gets an annual flu shot. And she hasn’t considered whether to be vaccinated against respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, even though her age and an asthma condition put her at higher risk of severe infection.

“It’s not that I don’t believe in vaccines,” Fred, a Colombian immigrant, said in Spanish at her home last fall. “It’s just that I don’t have faith in doctors.”

The loss of a trusted doctor is never easy, and it’s an experience that is increasingly common. The Rest of The Story Here

AMA president sounds alarm on national physician shortage

I pray for less government!!! I would not give you a ‘plug nickel’ for the DEMS or GOP! I would like to see the formation of the old TEA PARTY, not the one the GOP hijacked! It was the GOP that shut down the Tea party! By 2016, Politico wrote that the Tea Party movement had died; however, it also said that this was in part because some of its ideas had been absorbed by the mainstream Republican Party. CNBC reported in 2019 that the conservative wing of the Republican Party “has basically shed the tea party moniker”.

As Mark Twain stated, “The only difference between a Democrat and Republican is the spelling.”

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