What does the Bible say about a fool? Got Questions states: The following is a partial list of some characteristics of a fool from the book of Proverbs: a fool hates knowledge (Proverbs 1:22), takes no pleasure in understanding (Proverbs 18:2), enjoys wicked schemes (Proverbs 10:23), proclaims folly (Proverbs 12:23), spurns a parent’s discipline (Proverbs 15:5), speaks perversity (Proverbs 19:1), is quick-tempered (Proverbs 12:16), gets himself in trouble with his proud speech (Proverbs 14:3), mocks at sin (Proverbs 14:9), is deceitful (Proverbs 14:8), and despises his mother (Proverbs 15:20). A foolish child brings grief to his or her parents (Proverbs 17:2519:13). A foolish man commits sexual immorality (Proverbs 6:327:7–12). A foolish woman tears down her own house (Proverbs 14:1).

Our politics is destroying us. I do not see why folks do not see this. We are in deep trouble, it is going to get worse. Church attendance is falling, just 4% of us have a Biblical Worldview. More and more Americans have turned against God. The Church is losing its influence on the American people. 46% Of U.S. Adults Now Unchurched

I have been praying about doing an article about Taylor Green for months. I just have not had the words to express my sadness about her misbehavior and why the GOP has not put in her time out! My goodness. The lady is so very mean to Speaker of  House Mike Johnson. Mr. Johnson is a fine Christian man who has to face a gang of gangster’s in his own party led by Taylor Green. The lady says some very crazy things. I am shocked members of the GOP in New Mexico that support such bad behavior. This is so unlike the party of Ronald Reagan! The GOP is in chaos and as been now for 6 or 7 years. How about that fool George Santos!!!?? It took the GOP too long to rid themselves of that man. The GOP is sending the wrong message to people outside of their party of who they are.

Who would have ever thought the GOP candidate for President would have so many court cases against him? Mr. Trump should watch what comes out of his mouth. He says to many nasty things. Trump can’t hold as candle to Reagan. Now the GOP is playing political football with God’s babies. Many in the GOP, including Trump, think they are GOD and should be able to determine the lifespan of God’s babies. FOOLS!

All this crazy stuff is destroying the GOP. It is sad. The DEMS have been lost for a long. long time. This is not the party of Kennedy. I have stated for years our two political system is destroyed. The GOP is trying to brings people into their party, but many like myself, see such dysfunction. The GOP cannot unite America, the DEMS cannot unite America, who can? JESUS!

Biden and Trump are not the answer to brining peace and prosperity to America JESUS is. America is no longer a Christian nation. We accept bad behavior from the people who are to lead us! Shame! Our morals have gone to hell. When I talk to someone from overseas they are so very sadden how far America has fallen.

America needs a third party, The Bull Moose Party? Teddy Roosevelt was nominated by the Bull Whip Party in 1912. The Tea Party?  It was a fiscally conservative political movement within the GOP that began in 2009. Sadly it was absorbed by the mainstream GOP and by 2019 the conservative wing of the GOP had shed the Tea Party moniker. SHAME!

When I vet the candidates from either party with God’s Word, I find very, very few that pass the JESUS test.

Our children and grandchildren do not accept the behavior of politicians. Most are very bad role models.

Below is an editorial by Lisa Peek from Fox News on Taylor Greene.

Liz Peek Fox News

It’s high time someone in the Republican Party told Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to turn all that bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy on Democrats, and stop trying to defeat her own party.

The Georgia Republican, who famously displayed sexually explicit photos of Hunter Biden during a committee hearing and called fellow Rep. Lauren Boebert a bitch on the House floor, is known for wild antics and equally harebrained conspiracy theories.

Currently, she is threatening to oust Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson. The Louisiana representative, with a five-vote majority in the House, is attempting to keep his caucus intact as he navigates treacherous. More Here

How about that the DEMS come to the rescue of the GOP!!!

House advances Ukraine, Israel aid as Dems help Speaker Johnson, GOP

Third House Republican backs Johnson ouster

Senate reaches deal to pass FISA reauthorization by deadline

This is the America we live in: 5 shot after Maryland high school senior skip day turns violent: ‘What is the world coming to?’

Maryland teen allegedly plotted school shootings in 129-page manifesto with transgender main character

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