I am sadden that many Americans are blinded to this evil. Shame! It way beyond time that the governors of the states where these evil protests are taking place call out the National Guard and bring law and order to this ugly situation! America is unraveling everyday, faster than ever. Whatever happened to law and order? The dumbing down of America has created evil. Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview, and just 37% of American Pastors have a Biblical Worldview. 46% Of U.S. Adults Now Unchurched. This hatred of the Jewish people reminds me of how silent the Church was when the Nazis started to raise hell in World War II. The problem is the majority of Americans do not know world history and they do not know Gods Word pertaining to Israel. Read on please.

PASTORS!!! What are you doing about this evil?

Reflecting on the behavior of Christians during the Holocaust, Stephen Smith, co-founder and Director of the Beth Shalom Holocaust Memorial Centre in the United Kingdom, offered an alternative parable.

“There was once a man going about his business, trying to live out his life peacefully and without offence to those around him. One day as he went about his life, a group of men set upon him. They robbed him and they stripped him and they left him on the side of the road for dead. Presently, along came an educated, God-fearing and good man; a man known for his generosity and charity. He saw the man who had been beaten and robbed, but he crossed over the road and carried on his way. Shortly, along came a priest, a well-respected man of wisdom and of learning. Seeing his neighbor in distress, he too crossed over to the other side; after all, he would not be seen helping a Jew. And so the Jew lay in the gutter waiting for the Good Samaritan.

But there was no Good Samaritan.

Not this time.”1

New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft said Thursday that the campus protests launched nationwide in response to Israel’s campaign in Gaza are another parallel of the lead-up to the Holocaust.

In an interview Thursday on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Kraft, a longtime supporter of Columbia University, said that when he created the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism, in part as a response to the “Unite the Right” protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, he saw rising signs of extreme hatred.

In the current college protests, he said, he’s seeing further echoes of the forces that helped give rise to the Nazis. The Rest of The Story Here

Netanyahu: ‘Antisemitic mobs’ on U.S. campuses are reminiscent of what happened in German universities in the 1930s

As USC cancels commencement, Columbia students worry theirs could be disrupted

The Failure of Christian Love in the Holocaust

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