For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.
 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well (Psalm 139: 13:14). NKJV

There is nothing on this earth that has given me as much joy as Motherhood has. When I found out so many years ago, that I was pregnant, a mix of excitement and nerves overwhelmed me. I felt destined for motherhood like it was woven into my being. I believe it is like that for most little girls, the urge to provide care, nurture, and be there for those we love is in our DNA. It’s a gift from God and how He created us.

Being a mother is not just about joyful moments. It’s a calling that demands the heart because along with happiness, there are also times of deep sorrow and worry. We are tasked with raising children in the ways of the Lord, teaching them right from wrong, and guiding them as they grow and change. That’s an incredible responsibility that makes us strive to get everything right. But we don’t have to be perfect because God’s grace covers us. When we lean into God’s love and let Him love through us, we are capable of much more than we can do on our own.

Sometimes, our upbringing can impact how we parent. It’s easy to follow what we know, what the world teaches, instead of seeking God’s guidance. As a mother, it’s a constant balancing act, learning from our past while striving to do better for our children.

When I first held my baby in my arms, I felt such overwhelming love, a love I had not felt before. I wasn’t thinking of sleepless nights or the energy and endless diapers that it would entail. I was just grateful to have someone to love, nurture, and care for. That love would be reciprocated, and one day possibly, they would be caring for me. That’s the beauty of a mother’s love: it’s unconditional, a bond that is not easily broken. It goes beyond the day-to-day challenges and cuts straight to the heart.

A mother’s journey is long and filled with highs and lows. From getting toddlers to learn to walk to helping teenagers navigate the tricky years of adolescence, all the way to watching them become adults. It’s not always easy, but every step of the way is worth it. Being a mother isn’t just about raising a child. It’s about growing together, learning together, and loving unconditionally, through every moment no matter what.

My mother has been gone for close to 20 years now, and there are still days that I hurt so much. I wish I could pick up the phone and talk to her, hear her voice, be in her presence, and feel her touch. I miss the wisdom she had to offer her voice, her cooking, and the smell of her perfume. So many memories that take me back and help me along the way are cherished.

If your mother has gone on before you, cherish the memories. If she is still here on this earth, cherish her, respect her, and love her unconditionally. Remember, she loved you first. She gave you life when you entered this world, if that is all she did, that is a mighty act of love. You are always and forever in her heart! This place of motherhood is one of self-sacrifice and with it comes every emotion one might think of, but it is so worth it.

Of all the accomplishments in life, Motherhood is one of the most rewarding of my entire life. One I would never take for granted. My heart for my children, and the eight grandchildren I have now been blessed with continues to swell in my heart.  As I watch God’s plan unfold in all of their lives and as I see them bloom and flourish it fills my heart with great joy and happiness.  One day I will be in heaven with my Father and when that day comes my hope is they will always remember to tuck the precious memories of our times together in their hearts and know they are loved!

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth.” (Ephesians 6:1). NKJV

On this Mother’s Day, let’s honor, celebrate, and cherish those who gave us life, no matter the circumstances surrounding how we got here. We were created by God in our mother’s womb for His purpose. Like our Father in Heaven, a mother is a living presence; she’s always with us. She’s the whisper in our sorrows, the smell of bleach in our freshly laundered clothes, the cool hand on our brow if we don’t feel well. Our mothers live inside our laughter and our tears. She is the place we came from, the first touch we felt, the first face we saw, and the first heartbeat we heard. She guided us to our first steps, rocked us in her arms, and loved us unconditionally. Nothing can separate us. She’s more than a memory; she’s a presence. One that neither time nor death can separate.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing Mothers out there and may you be blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.

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