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Can restoration occur after a Pastor has been caught in a scandal? Texas church fires Senior Pastor after he’s charged with possession of child porn

Photo From The Christian Post. Bruce Hollen, 63, is the former senior pastor of Calvary Chapel of The Woodlands. Texas. | Screengrab/YouTube/KHOU11

Sin does so much damage to the Church……….

As I have said before we could start a whole section of crimes committed by the Church in America.  Christians chasing away people from the Church! An unbelieving world loves to see Christians sin! Maybe the best words my Mom and Daddy gave me was, “Dwayne, behave yourself!” What does it mean that there will be a great falling away before Christ returns (2 Thessalonians 2:3)?

Who monitors your Pastor? Who monitors you?

The Christian Post

By Leonardo Blair, Senior Reporter 

Calvary Chapel of The Woodlands in Texas, which hosts services in the auditorium of McCullough Junior High School has announced the firing of their longtime pastor, Bruce Hollen, 63, following his arrest for possession with intent to promote child pornography.

The firing came on May 8, the same day authorities arrested the married father who has two daughters and a son, for allegedly promoting and distributing naked pictures of young girls. More Here

US Attorney’s Office, FBI consulted as part of investigation into the death of a Pastors wife

Got Questions states: While 2 Corinthians 2:5–11 is not dealing with a pastor’s sin, that passage does give some insight into church discipline. Sin in the church causes pain (verse 5). The punishment that the church metes out has a limit (verse 6). The repentant person must show sorrow over his sin (verse 7). The church should respond to true repentance with comfort and forgiveness (verse 7) and reaffirmed love (verse 8). And a lack of forgiveness plays into Satan’s schemes (verse 11). In these verses, Paul emphasizes the restoration and unity that should follow discipline, based on the grace and mercy of God in Christ; the implicit warning is against man-made limits to forgiveness, personal vendettas, disunity, and excessive punishment. More Here

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