China holds military drills around Taiwan as ‘strong punishment’

BBC: China sees Taiwan as a breakaway province that will eventually be under Beijing's control, but the island sees itself as distinct.


This is probably a test for Biden also………What will Joe do?

We are moving closer to World War III everyday. There are too many hot spots right now in the world to mention them all. UN Helpless as Crises Rage in 10 Critical Hot Spots.   Is America prepared? Is the World prepared? I do not think so. China wants Taiwan and more! Who will stop them? Americans enlisting into the military is falling more than ever.

BBC Reports

Kelly Ng and Rupert Wingfield-Hayes in Taipei, BBC News

China has started two days of military exercises around Taiwan, with its military calling them “strong punishment” for the self-ruled island’s “separatist acts”.

The drills come three days after the inauguration of President William Lai, who called on China to stop threatening the island and accept the existence of its democracy.

China sees Taiwan as a breakaway province that will eventually be under Beijing’s control, but the island sees itself as distinct.

Taiwan’s defence ministry condemned the Chinese drills as “irrational provocations”.

Taipei dispatched naval, air, and ground forces to “defend the [island’s] sovereignty”, its defence ministry said. More Here

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