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COME TOGETHER CHURCH! More than 6,000 baptized in multidenominational Baptize California weekend

Photo From Baptist Press. Thousands gathered at Huntington Beach and other sites in California to be baptized May 18-19 in the multidenominational Baptize California. Photo provided by Mark Brown

This was all about GOD! Get this statement: The leaders partnered with hundreds and hundreds of churches across the state!!!  What a message to all Churches and denominations! Why have such little impact in your community when you can bring other Pastors and Churches together to carry out The Great Commission! Is it pride stopping you? Ego? Your own Kingdom? Pride? Your denominational ties? One of the things that is pointed out here is a Southern Baptist Preacher teaming with a Pentecostal Pastor! I have shouted for years the Church in America needs to come together and fight the fire of evil in our Country, but not in separate buildings! I pray you will come together with other Pastors and denominations and baptize hundreds, perhaps thousands this summer and fall! Then help these precious souls to grow up to be mature Christians! This is not the time to play Church, it is the time to be the Church!

IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU!!! IT IS ABOUT GOD! Leave those walls! Tear them down!

I would suggest for rural America, do a countywide event. The present Church model in America is not working. Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview. 46% of adults are unchurched. More Here That is not working for America, we are falling over the cliff! What are you going to do about it? The Biggest Crisis in the World: Lack of a Biblcial Worldview

Baptist Press

By Diana Chandler, posted May 20, 2024 in Evangelism

HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. (BP) – A cross-denominational belief in believer’s baptism allowed Southern Baptist pastor Mark Brown and Pentecostal pastor Mark Francey to collaborate in sponsoring Baptize California, a statewide event that baptized more than 6,000 believers May 18-19.

The Pentecost Sunday weekend event chiefly sponsored by Francey’s multisite Oceans Church in Orange County and supported by Brown’s 14-campus Sandals Church in Southern California drew support and participation from 300 churches across the state, according to

“It’s the largest gathering for baptisms in the state history. That’s why I wanted to be a part of it,” Brown told Baptist Press, describing an interdenominational event including Baptists, Lutherans, Independents, Pentecostals and others.

“I think it’s a big win for the big C Church and for me as a Baptist,” Brown said. “Oftentimes, we are known and defined by what we’re against, rather than what we’re for. And that’s why I thought it was important, as one of the largest Baptist churches in the state, that I tip my hat.” More Here

Some Churches have not baptized on soul in years! Why do not these Churches that are having trouble with attendance, merge with another two or three? Why do these Churches poor money into a building?

Fire that gutted Texas church’s youth building has done nothing but ignite a movement of God


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