Memorial Day Message FGGAM 2024
Memorial Day is a time to remember those who gave the greatest sacrifice, so that others could live in peace and freedom from oppression. This day honors America’s military men and women who lost their lives in service to their country.
The Scripture explains the depth of such a sacrifice this way: “There is no greater love than this, that a man or woman would lay down their life for another.” (John 15:13) That was the sacrifice that a Jesus did for you and for me and that is the essence of the sacrifice that we as Americans recognize every Memorial Day.
To many in this nation, the celebration of these heroic men and women has been overlooked and Memorial Day has become a celebration of family outings and the beginning of summer vacations and related activities. While these are all welcome opportunities to bring families together, we should not forget why this particular day has been set aside as a national holiday. If we forget our past and those who went before us, to secure our freedoms, then the future of this nation has no significant meaning.
I encourage everyone to proudly fly the flag of the United States this Memorial Day. To visit the grave sites of these fallen warriors. To spend time in prayer. And to let your meal, your barbecue, your family outing be a time of thanksgiving. Don’t let the true significance of this day be forgotten. What a great opportunity to tell the stories of these men and women and teach the history of this nation to our children.
It is because of the sacrifice of those remembered this Memorial Day that we can say, “We are one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all!”
Bill Ruhl Vice-Chairman FGGAM