Pastor answers God’s call to help Ukraine aid workers facing ‘spiritual depletion’

Pastor Andrew Moroz: "In the midst of the chaos, people don't always do a good job of caring for themselves. They don't always pay good attention to themselves. They're so hyper-focused on the emergency and on caring for others," he explained. "And until they hit a wall and their body crashes on them, their mind gives up on them, or they're spiritually depleted."


NATO has lost its way! WEAK it is, including of course, my America. PUTIN is the devil himself! There is a huge price to pay coming because on the inaction of America and NATO! We all are one world, we live in God’s world! We are not to be isolationists! All what is going wrong in this world reminds me of the start of WW II. Russia-Ukraine war – latest: Zelensky calls on Nato to shoot down Putin’s missiles amid glide bomb attacks

If America does not stand up against PUTIN, who will? The UN is useless. I would close that down and kick it out of America! How dumb can America get in allowing this EVIL UN to stay here! What does that say about us????? There is so much corruption in that Billion dollar outfit! Some sources have accused the United Nations (UN) of corruption, including intentional fraud, abuse, mismanagement, and being undemocraticFor example, Emma Reilly, an employee of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), has accused her colleagues of giving Chinese authorities the names of Uyghur dissidents she was going to speak at the UN Human Rights Council. Reilly has also faced intimidation from superiors. In the book Snakes in Suits, a study of psychopaths in the workplace, Babiak and Hare write that corruption appears to be endemic at the UN: There are few organizations in the Western world that could survive with the allegations of mismanagement, scandal, and corruption that permeate the United Nations. NATO??? NATO lacks guts. Russian Orthodox Church providing military training to kids

If America does not stand up against Hamas who will? ISREAL will stand alone if it has to! Former Israel Air Force chief says Israel must invest in laser defense to confront aerial threats

So many folks are blinded to the fact that this is the start of WW III.

The Christian Post

By Samantha Kamman, Christian Post Reporter 

Andrew Moroz, a Ukrainian-born American pastor, is not just providing physical aid to the volunteers in Ukraine; he is also helping them find a place to rest and recover from “spiritual depletion” since Russia’s invasion began over two years ago.

Moroz, who was born in Ukraine when it was part of the Soviet Union, serves as the lead elder at the Gospel Community Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. He told The Christian Post that his family permanently settled in the United States in 1999. Now, he supports his native country through a program called the Renewal Initiative.

Pastor answers God’s call to help Ukraine aid workers facing ‘spiritual depletion’

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