Most Americans have become very foolish. This is what happens when a country leaves God. The fights are on all over College campuses. Congress is a mess. We have fools running for President. Abortion is prevailing. We stink. People Playing God: What defines a heartbeat? Judge hears arguments in South Carolina abortion case

it is very foolish to think that Putin is going away. The man is as evil as Hitler. America seems to not know how to fight a war against such evil. The American government loves it sanctions. All show! Look what is happening in Niger! America and NATO are not prepared for World War III. At this point, we could not win. Enlistments are down and as my military friends tell me this generation does not have the will to fight for their country. 2024 will be at a record low in U.S. military recruitment, said government officials. The New Year will be the smallest active duty force since 1940. You would think all those DEMS and Republicans would be alarmed by this! But as usual, they are fighting each other and have no time for what is important. U.S. military sees record breaking low recruitment numbers

The Guardian Reports:

Russian military personnel have entered an airbase in Niger that is hosting American troops, after a decision by Niger’s junta to expel US forces from the country.

The military officers ruling the west African country have told the US to withdraw its nearly 1,000 military personnel, which until a coup last year had been a key partner for Washington’s fight against insurgents who have killed thousands of people and displaced millions more. More Here

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