TEAM JESUS! Please Pray For Our Dear Brother Frank Haley!

Frank never complains about anything. He loves JESUS! He trusts JESUS completely. 


I want to thank Frank’s daughter Lydia for keeping us up-to-date on Franks medical condition. As soon as I got the update on Frank from Lydia I called him, we had a lovely conversation. We prayed. Please also keep his Dear Alice in your prayers! Frank and Alice are a role model for us on all what marriage and family is to be. I loved talking to my buddy, he never complains about anything. He loves JESUS! He trusts JESUS completely.

God didn’t make them any better than Frank and Alice.

Here is Lydia’s report:

Update on dad: we saw the oncologist/hematologist today to go over the results from his bone barrow test. Dad’s official diagnosis is Mantle Cell Lymphoma, which is an extremely aggressive, fast growing, terminal cancer, much worse than the leukemia we originally thought he had. The area that was tested is 40% occupied by the cancer. We are unsure about where all the tumors are & how many or how large they are at this time. From his symptoms, we suspect his spleen may have tumors. We will know more after we have results from his upcoming PET scan in a couple weeks. Although dad was resistant to the idea of chemo at first, the doctor said he’d only have about 2-6 months to live if we don’t at least try chemo at this point. We have decided to take the doctor’s advice & go that route after all. It’s worth a shot to give him longer to live-years, hopefully instead of months. He will have a port placed in his chest to make the infusion process easier on him. Chemo will be once a month for 6 months & then another PET scan to compare to the initial one. Please pray his body responds well to treatment. He’s already weak & tired from the cancer, so I’m praying our decision doesn’t make him more sick. We really feel we don’t have many options as far as treatment goes. Even after looking into many of the natural options so many of you suggested, I feel at 84, as weak & frail as he’s become, the cancer is too advanced & aggressive for us to NOT try to kill it with chemo 🙏🥹❤️‍🩹We thank you for your prayers!

Lydia Haley Crandall

Frank and I both love Billy Graham. Recently a statue of Billy was placed inside the U.S. Capitol. On the statue of Billy is this: Emblazed on the Bible in Graham’s hand is Galatians 6:14, “May I never boast except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”  At the base of the statue is inscribed John 14:6, which reads: “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.’” On the other side of the base is John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Franks wants you to know JESUS for sure.

Frank is in the New Mexico Broadcasters Hall-of Fame, but those of us that know Frank and Alice, know that their relationship with JESUS is the most important thing in their lives. They want you to know JESUS! Do you?

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