The Ugly Continues Here….New Mexico Ranked 50th in Worst States For Military Retirees + Memorial Day Facts – WalletHub Reports

“Transitioning from military to civilian life isn’t easy, but the best states for military retirees make that adjustment as smooth as possible. In addition to providing the conditions necessary for our veterans to thrive financially, they also have ample resources for taking care of military retirees’ physical and mental health.” CASSANDRA HAPPE, WALLETHUB ANALYST


Did you know? According to a survey by the Veterans Administration, some 500,000 of the 3 million troops who served in Vietnam suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, and rates of divorce, suicide, alcoholism and drug addiction were markedly higher among veterans.

My good friend U.S. Marine Roger Carey of Windom, Minnesota (My hometown) Roger went to Vietnam and was killed in 6 months. God Bless the memory of Roger!

Oh New Mexico……you seem to love last place in anything good….Shame……..this is generational… a spiritual issue….hearts for Jesus are lacking…New Mexico even kills God’s babies through abortions, at a record level…….Shame…..We have been here since 1995, it just gets worse here. It is a very tough state for ministry. Some of my friends back home call me and Sharon MISSIONARIES!

Churches all over America need to open their hearts and doors to our Veterans! What is your Church doing for those that are suffering homelessness and mental illness? Do you at least have a referral system? FGGAM does!

How many Veterans do you have in your Church on Sundays? How many homeless souls? How many people in wheelchairs? NONE???? Get a Church bus! I am doing the funeral today of a precious soul that used to drive a Church bus up in Paradise Hills in Albuquerque and bring people to Church! What are you doing to being people to your Church?

I meet veterans every week to minister to them. I officiated three military funerals in April. That is my time to give back to them and their families. The stories I hear……So many Vietnam Veterans are passing away into glory at this time in our history. So many Americans do not even know anything about the Vietnam War and how bad our soldiers were treated when they came back! They all tell me, My Country Called Me!

LBJ threw them all into a ‘no win’ war, because it was all about politics and money!!!!!!!!!

One of my best friends Roger Carey of Windom, Minnesota died in the Vietnam war. Roger was just there for 6 months and got killed. Vietnam War History

Remembering Roger G. Carey of Windom, Minnesota, Killed In Vietnam


Military families are accustomed to moving, but when it comes time to retire, it can be difficult to decide where to put down roots. For example, veterans must consider state tax policies on military benefits, along with the relative friendliness of different job markets and other socioeconomic factors, when choosing a state in which to settle down. Many retirees also face major struggles including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, disability and homelessness.

To help ease the burden on our nation’s military community, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia based on their ability to provide a comfortable military retirement. Our analysis uses a data set of 28 key metrics, ranging from veterans per capita to the number of VA health facilities to job opportunities for veterans. More Here


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