Today is the 73rd National Day of Prayer. America must repent and seek the will of God.

FGGAM Vice Chairman Bill Ruhl: What is the focus of prayer?  It’s “Thy Kingdom Come and Thy Will Be Done, here on earth as it is in Heaven!”  It should be time spent in the presence of God (Matthew 6:9-13), where we are seated with Jesus (Ephesians 2:6-7), under the divine direction of Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26-28). Today and every day, let us come together to worship and pray!


From Dr. Jim Denison:

Americans find themselves, and there is no reasonable way to deny this, in a moment of profound crisis. The country is changing, and the substance of that transformation is not clear. Americans are divided, and those divisions go well beyond ideological differences. They cut to the marrow of the bone. Too often we see each other as enemies. Disagreement is saturated with contempt. Mutuality drowns in the bitterness of our public discourse. The sense of common purpose and public good has been thrown into the trash bin as we huddle in our silos.

Is this the doomsaying of an extremist ranting on social media to get clicks and likes?

Actually, these are the observations of Dr. Eddie S. Glaude Jr., the James C. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor at Princeton University and former president of the American Academy of Religion.

Photo From The Late Pastor Don Kimbro of Albuquerque. This photo was taken one year at National Day of Prayer in Belen, NM. Pastor Don was living in Belen at the time. We miss Don so much. He taught us so much about PRAYER! I pray that your Church opens its doors to all today for prayer. I encourage you to open your hearts to all people more than ever during these evil days. What is your Church doing to evangelize?

I pray every year that every community in America, and every Church opens its hearts to God and seek His Will for America. I pray that all over America, villages, towns and cities and every Church will hold a National Day of Prayer event. This is one of the most ugly times in American history, America must repent and seek the will of God. America does not change its behavior, it is getting very evil here. What is God’s will for your life? Your Church?

CBN: Today is the 73rd National Day of Prayer. The theme is “Lift up the Word – Light Up the World,” a message organizers say is needed now more than ever. CBN will host a live broadcast on Thursday, May 2, at 8 PM EST on the CBN News YouTube page, CBN News Channel, and Learn more about the event.

Pastor Bill Ruhl, Vice Chairman of FGGAM
Photograph: Pastor Bill Ruhl, Albuquerque Civic Center, Via Facebook

From Pastor Bill Ruhl, Vice Chairman of FGGAM:

National Day of Prayer is just that, a day set aside to specifically focus on prayer.  It is a call to everyone, no matter where they are during that day, to set aside a time of prayer; to intercede on behalf of this nation before God.

Scripture encourages us in 2 Chronicles 7:14-17, that when we prepare a place to commune (pray) with God, He will respond to our prayers:  “and (if) My people, who are called by My Name, humble themselves, and pray and seek (crave, require as a necessity) My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear [them] from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land.  Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer offered in this place.  For now I have chosen and sanctified and set apart for My purpose this house that My Name may be here forever, and My eyes and My heart will be here perpetually.”

God has called us to prepare and set aside a place for Him to commune with His people.  The attraction is just that, the opportunity to commune with God.  He already knows the concerns of our hearts (Psalm 139), yet He still desires to spend intimate time with us in conversation, like a “Good Father” loves to listen to His children.

Set aside some time this Thursday, May 2, 2024, to let God hear about what’s on your heart.

National Day of Prayer is not about numbers, how big a crowd you can gather, or finding some fresh, new way to attract people to participate in prayer.  No, it’s about being committed as an individual to pray with others as a nation (“My people”); whenever and wherever you happen to be throughout the day.

Wake up – pray!  At work – take a break and pray!  Lunch break – pray!  Driving home – pray!  Home for the evening – join others and pray!

Scripture states (Matthew 18:20) that when two or three are gathered in His name, Jesus will be there in the midst of them.  As the influences of this world continue to negatively influence our culture, will the community of faith focus on what pleases God or what attracts the world?

In the world “Christmas is about Santa Claus and receiving gifts instead of rejoicing over the birth of Jesus, the greatest gift ever given!”

In the world “Resurrection Day has become a day of Easter egg hunts, baskets, and candy instead of a day to celebrate that the tomb is empty and Christ has risen in victory over death!”

In the world will “prayer become an event centered activity for a family outing instead of a day dedicated to commune with God in a gathering of ‘If My People?’”

Jesus knows our frailties.  He even asked His disciples (Matthew 26:39-40) “So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?  Watch and pray so that you will not enter into temptation.  For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak.”

What is the focus of prayer?  It’s “Thy Kingdom Come and Thy Will Be Done, here on earth as it is in Heaven!”  It should be time spent in the presence of God (Matthew 6:9-13), where we are seated with Jesus (Ephesians 2:6-7), under the divine direction of Holy Spirit (Romans 8:26-28).

Today and every day, let us come together to worship and pray!

Thursday, May 2, is National Day of Prayer:  “Lift Up the Word, Light Up the World”

46% Of U.S. Adults Now Unchurched

Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview. Just 37% of Pastors in America have a Biblical Worldview! Do you not see the destruction of our country? The downfall of the Christian Church? Does your Pastor ever teach on the Ten Commandments? Basic Christianity? Does your Church carry out The Great Commission? How many baptisims has your Church officiated in the last 2 years? Is your Church ‘raising up’ mature Christians?

“People die every day without Christ, and we’ve got the answer. … Don’t just talk about evangelism. Do it.”
–Dr. Stephen McQuoid

America needs JESUS! Are you carrying out the Great Commission daily in your community? Or do you work for the sit-more-do-little church? 3 Things You Can Do Today to Carry Out the Great Commission

Don’t just “play church.” Take action.

“So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts” Eph 4: 17, 18.

The Scriptures call the mind of the natural man “blinded” 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim. 6:5, and “unspiritual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs its thoughts. The sinful mind is under the control of Satan and can never please God because it concentrates on things of the world and not things of the Spirit. The natural mind walks the road of hopelessness and self-destruction.

This past year was my hardest in ministry. I has to take off the month off in December because the deaths of many caused me such sadness. I officiated to many funerals of young people dying of violence. Sharon and I pray for all the families. Our hearts are broken. So many innocent people killed by gunfire. So many Mommy’s and daddies are looking for justice. Try and put yourself in their shoes, and see how it feels.

The following is from Focus on the Family:

A Biblical Worldview is based on the infallible Word of God. When you believe the Bible is entirely true, then you allow it to be the foundation of everything you say and do. That means, for instance, you take seriously the mandate in Romans 13 to honor the governing authorities by researching the candidates and issues, making voting a priority.

Do you have a biblical worldview? Answer the following questions, based on claims found in the Bible and which George Barna used in his survey:

  • Do absolute moral truths exist?
  • Is absolute truth defined by the Bible?
  • Did Jesus Christ live a sinless life?
  • Is God the all-powerful and all-knowing Creator of the universe, and does He still rule it today?
  • Is salvation a gift from God that cannot be earned?
  • Is Satan real?
  • Does a Christian have a responsibility to share his or her faith in Christ with other people?
  • Is the Bible accurate in all of its teachings?

Did you answer yes to these? Only 9 percent of “born- again” believers did. But what’s more important than your yes to these questions is whether your life shows it. Granted, we are all sinners and fall short, but most of our gut reactions will reflect what we deep-down, honest-to-goodness believe to be real and true.

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