Albuquerque Music Minister & Evangelist Jeremy Reid Brings The Good News To Louisiana’s Washington Parish Free Fair


FGGAM is pleased to support Jeremy Reid – an Albuquerque-based minister of the gospel who loves Jesus with all his heart!  He is an evangelist, worship leader, singer, songwriter and Christian hip-hop performer.

Jeremy has been reaching out to those who might be led to support an upcoming street ministry project that will take place in Washington Parish, Louisiana.  It’s the world’s largest Free Fair and it’s held annually.

Because of the large crowds this fair draws, Jeremy’s friend, Pastor Boogaloo, found the Washington Parish Free Fair (“Free Fair”) to be an amazing event for evangelism.  Jeremy first met Pastor Boogaloo while ministering on the streets during the 2023 Mardi gras in New Orleans.  The two instantly sensed a connection in the Spirit and became brothers-in-arms, as they ministered together on Bourbon Street.

Pastor Boogaloo (L) and Jeremy Reid (R)

During the 2023 Mardi gras, Pastor Boogaloo told Jeremy about the annual Free Fair in Washington Parish and asked if he might be interested in joining him to evangelize there later in the year.  Jeremy accepted the offer and flew to Louisiana in October 2023.

The contrast between Mardi gras and the Free Fair was immediately apparent, as many of those attending Mardi gras were unreceptive to the message of Christ and seemed unwilling to take time to speak with Jeremy about the word of God – or to even receive prayer.  On the other hand, during the Free Fair, many of the patrons were willing to engage regarding the gospel and to receive prayer.  The 2023 Free Fair website may be viewed HERE.

Jeremy compared his Free Fair evangelism experience to the ‘picking of low-hanging fruit’ because of the mostly kind attitudes of the patrons and their willingness to engage, which made it easier to impart the message of Christ.  Accordingly, Jeremy agreed with Pastor Boogaloo to make the Free Fair an annual part of his evangelistic ministry – so long as he is able and called by the Lord to do so!

In Jeremy’s own words:

“Part of my testimony is my past involving drug abuse and incarceration.  I would say most of the fair goers are young and susceptible to such things and being that the Lord rescued me from these pitfalls, I find it my duty to share my testimony to help others avoid such disasters.  I have known the Lord almost all my life – but knowing the Lord and following the Lord are separate things.

In the last few years, I have really gotten intimate with my bible and have taken on many leadership roles in my local church.  I’m also currently a student at Legacy Ministry College and have completed four trimesters in my pursuit of a degree in biblical studies and furthering my walk with God.  I’ve completed several courses, including Evangelism, Missionary Life and Principles, The Book of Acts, Old Testament History and Theology.

I find myself drawn to evangelism because I see the need, especially in this generation, to share the love that Christ has shown me, and if I can help keep just one person from making any of the mistakes I’ve made, then it is time well spent!

The ultimate goal, of course, is to plunder hell and populate heaven!”

Jeremy pointed out the importance of sharing the good news of the gospel by sharing the following scripture:

Romans 10:14-15 (ESV)
“How then will they call on [H]im in whom they have not believed?  And how are they to believe in [H]im of whom they have never heard?  And how are they to hear without someone preaching?  And how are they to preach unless they are sent?  As it is written, ‘[h]ow beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’”

Prayer at the Washington Parish Free Fair (2023)

My brothers and sisters, if the Lord puts it upon your heart to sow into Jeremy’s ministry, and in this case, specifically to assist with his upcoming trip to the Free Fair scheduled for October 16-20, 2024, your partnership will help Jeremy spread the good news by returning to Louisiana fully prepared to minister at the Free Fair without distraction!

You may give through Cash App at$JerReid87 or with your credit/debit card by going to the Fields of Rhema ministry page at

Praise Jesus forevermore!

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