UPDATED! Windom Update and a Video shows Minnesota dam on on verge of failure as residents remain on high alert. Sen. Klobuchar, Rep. Finstad joins Mayor Massad in Mankato to discuss area flooding

Please pray for my hometown and surrounding area. This is turning out to be one of the greatest disasters ever in the area.

2,000 SAND BAGS COMING FROM COMFREY! (I think we thank Tim Evers for this, not sure. But Tim is awesome anyway, so pat him on the back when you see him!
5pm, be ready to sand bag.

Updated at 2:15pm Monday June 24th

From Windom, Minnesota:

Hilary Mathis

Here’s the deal.
**We are out of sandbags. Emergency management has a call in for 15,000 Bags from the Army Corp of Engineers. We do not know if it when they will come, but Paul will call me and I will post when it’s go time to fill bags again.
**There are currently NO EVACUATION ORDERS. If you are a homeowner that wants to leave your house, do so. NOTHING OFFICIAL HAS BEEN RELEASED TO EVACUATE.
**TO OUR KNOWLEDGE (every “official” official I have talked to in the last half hour) NO LOCAL LEVEES OR DAMNS HAVE BROKEN.
**NEXT PLAN- our local Fire Department will go door to door in areas of town recommending they get their most valuable items in their car and BE PREPARED to evacuate. IF volunteers are willing, we will follow the fire department and help those who need it move things to cars.
**IF you are a volunteer, you should-
Eat. Cool off. Eat. Take care of yourself, and be ready for the next go time.
If you are a homeowner who needs help with moving only small things as if you were going to evacuate, please go to our flooding group (links in my profile) that is the only post I will monitor for the foreseeable future. Until the next post.
Thank you all- seriously love you, even if I don’t know you. ❤️ This has been an AMAZING crew- every day since Friday. Thank you
1:00 PM Flood Update.
We have broken the record crest of 1969. River level recorded currently is 24.77 feet. The expected crest is Wednesday at 26 feet. This is a very dynamic situation and information is changing often.
If you live along the river, we would suggest packing your car with your most valuable belongings and be ready to evacuate. I’m not wanting to alarm people, but the forecast is for the river to rise another 1.23 feet.
The city is sandbagging the electric plant out of an abundance of caution. We don’t believe the water is going to reach it; however there is a potential.
I’ve attached a home evacuation information sheet for reference and preparation to this post. I want to stress evacuations are NOT imminent; however it is good to prepare to go quickly if needed.
Photo From The Cottonwood County Citizen, So many have come to help, but more help is needed.

The Cottonwood County Citizen just put out this alarm!

Windom Area Schools has sent out a mass message to families of students, asking for help to fill sandbags at the Windom Arena.

Numerous homes in the community are at imminent risk of flooding in light of the forecasted crest of the river, projected at 26 feet, which would be over a foot higher than the record 1969 flood’s crest.

The message from the district states, “Sandbagging help is needed at the Arena, beginning right now. If you or your child(ren) can help, please go there. Many hands are needed so people can take breaks, trade jobs and make this giant task more manageable.”

For more information on the Windom flood go here: Windom News

Please pray for my hometown and surrounding area. This is turning out to be one of the greatest disasters ever in the area.

PRAY TEAM JESUS! Weather woes forecast to continue as flooding in the Midwest turns deadly and extreme heat heads south

My questions is, why has the the governor not called out the National Guard to Windom and the entire region of southwestern Minnesota?

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