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New Mexico is The Worst State For Working Dads

Credit: Elizz | SE Health []

The pressure on the American family is the worst I have seen in my life………poverty in New Mexico is horrible, among crime, drugs, booze, pot, child abuse and other ugly! Many turn to ugly for solutions, to numb themselves from reality. JESUS is the answer! I always wonder how many New Mexicans know what the Ten Commandments are. How many in America? How many preachers teach about the Ten Commandments? How many Churches display the Ten Commandments?


The burden on working dads has evolved over time. Back in 1972, 85% of American families relied on a single income, that of the dad, who spent much of his week at work while mom stayed home with the kids. Now, around 72.7% of married mothers work, and while that’s still quite a bit lower than the 94.1% of married fathers who do, the gap is closing.

The contemporary dad no longer fits neatly into the standard of the married breadwinner and disciplinarian. That’s been especially true in recent years when many fathers have temporarily or permanently switched to working from home and have taken on more childcare duties as a result.

In order to determine the best states for men who play a dual role of parent and provider, WalletHub compared the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia across 21 key indicators of friendliness toward working fathers. Our data set ranges from the average length of the work day for men to child care costs to the share of men in good or better health. More Here

The first formal “Father’s Day” was celebrated JUNE 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington.

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