Violence is going to increase in America as we get closer to the election and all hell may break out afterwards. I have been wondering what historians will write about us, especially Church historians. Ugly stuff for sure.

I do not always agree with Pastor Mark Driscoll in his views, but I do agree with him that Biden and Trump are not good choices to lead our nation. Neither one is able to bring this country together. Both of them have so many ethical problems. politicians are not gods, as some Americans seem to think. JESUS is the peacemaker. Sadly many people in this country no not beleive in JESUS! I discuss this further in the links below. Christianity has been harmed in America with Pastors supporting evil politicians. I witness that everyday. I hear it from people that have left the Church! 46% Of U.S. Adults Now Unchurched 1 Cor. 15:33 Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” Pastor Tony Tice: We Need Pastors Who Will Be Humble Servants Instead Of Trying To Be The Next Great Church Leader!

Some of you will remember this saying….When us kids back home would get into trouble, Daddy would say, “Now you have made your bed and your going to have to lay in it.” America! You have made your bed of sin, now you have to lay in it.

The Christian Post

By Leonardo Blair, Senior Reporter 

Hours after former president and presumptive Republican 2024 presidential nominee Donald Trump was convicted Thursday on 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened his 2016 presidential campaign, megachurch pastor Mark Driscoll pleaded on social media for Jesus to return before Election Day.

“Lord Jesus we would humbly request that you return before November 5,” wrote Driscoll, founding pastor of Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, in a post on X.

While many conservative Christians see Trump as the answer to America’s challenges, earlier this month, Driscoll made it clear in a post on Instagram that he doesn’t believe trusting in politicians should be seen as the answer for Christians. More Here

Satan is chewing away at our military: U.S. Air Force promoted drag queen events on military bases, internal documents show

America is at War with Itself! Pastor Greg Laurie Lists ‘Government Overreach’ as One of the Signs of the End Times

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