President Biden grants new protections to half a million immigrants

Dr. Ryan Denison: The unfortunate truth is that given the politically charged state in which many people seem to live on a daily basis—one that is only heightened by the coming election—it is understandably difficult to take any government action at face value. And even when there is genuine good being done, it’s easy to look for ulterior motives that make you wonder what the true purpose is.

  • Denison Forum
  • Dr. Ryan Denison
  • Note: In yesterday’s Daily Article, Dr. Jim Denison discussed the public moral failings of pastors Robert Morris and Tony Evans. Later that afternoon, news broke that Robert Morris resigned from Gateway Church as more details continued to emerge about the nature and extent of his abuse. For more on this story and how to respond, please see yesterday’s article.

At a ceremony marking the 12th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals  (DACA) program, President Biden announced an executive action—which is different from an executive order— estimated to shield upwards of half a million immigrants from deportation. Given the proximity to the executive order that essentially closed the border between official ports of entry two weeks ago, many are curious to see what comes next as the president seeks to change both his policies and his image regarding immigration.

But before we look at that bigger picture, let’s take a minute to discuss what the latest executive action will try to do. The Rest of The Story Here

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