I have said for years that Trump needs to clean up his mouth! He would be a much better man if he did so. Only a fool cusses! How does the Bible describe a fool? He rambles, and he loses me and many others. I was taught as a child not to cuss, if we did we got our mouth washed out with soap, it only took one time for me! UGH! I do not respect a man who cusses and says bad things about people all the time. It is like he, and Biden talk to us like we are all dumb. Clean up your mouth please Mr. Trump! I also do not respect Biden for all the evil he does, like fully supporting the killing of God’s babies and he also rambles and gets confused! Biden has a truck load of evil in him. Biden needs to be at home or in an assisted living center. It is elder abuse having him as President. His family and the DEMS should be ashamed of themselves! We are in deep trouble as a country no matter who wins. By the way, I beleive in my heart the debate Thursday night will be a huge circus. I look for CNN’s Jake Trapper, a Trump hater, to lose control of the debate. CNN has made a big mistake having him be the moderator of the debate. You gotta have some one that his impartial! This upcoming debate has DISASTER written all over it.

I am thankful that Franklin Graham spoke up about Trump cussing!

Neither Trump or Biden are capable of bringing peace to our nation. No matter who wins there will be more and more division in our country, the chaos we see now will get worse. Get even closer to God.

The Christian Post

By Ryan Foley, Christian Post Reporter 

Former President Donald Trump told a crowd of supporters that he intended to reject a prominent evangelist’s request that he refrain from cursing during speeches, although he suggested he was making an effort to take his advice.

Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for president of the United States, addressed a crowd of supporters at a rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Saturday. A clip of the speech shared on X shows the former president praising Franklin Graham, CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the charitable organization Samaritan’s Purse, as “a man I like,” adding that he admired him “so much” before recalling how “he wrote me a letter. More Here

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